Workshop 1: Coaching to Accelerate the Development of Learning Agility
Learning agility is a metacompetency important to leadership success, particularly in turbulent times. The global coronavirus pandemic catapulted individuals, organizations, and societies into the harsh reality of our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world. Coaches can play an important role in accelerating the development of learning agility thereby expanding the leadership pipeline within organizations. The session will provide an overview about what we know about the construct of learning agility and the role coaches can play in intentionally developing it. Suggestions are provided for assessing a leader’s level of learning agility as well as the organizational context. Recommendations for practical coaching applications are organized around the heuristic agile learning process and behaviors model. Although many coaches may already be helping clients develop learning agility, this session will support coaches in doing so more deliberately.
The purpose of this session is to help coaches and consultants (a) understand the behaviors and strategies that undergird learning agility; (b) better assess coaching clients’ level of learning agility as well as the organizational context; and (c) become more intentional about incorporating the development of learning agile behavior into their coaching practice. The session is based on a recently published article in a special issue of Consulting Psychology Journal on the Science and Practice of Learning Agility.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this program, participants will be able to:
- Describe how learning agility has been defined and its core components.
- Explain why learning agility is a critical capability for leaders.
- Compare approaches for assessing learning agility.
- Identify contextual factors relevant to the need for learning agility.
- Apply a model of learning agile behaviors to the coaching process.
- Develop coaching questions that facilitate the development of learning agility.
Thursday, October 24 from 8:30 am – Noon. Lunch will be provided for workshop attendees.
CE Credit:
This workshop is approved for continuing education credit. Details can be found on the Continuing Education webpage.
Mariangela Battista
Facilitators (find biographies on the Workshop Facilitators page):
- Veronica Schmidt Harvey
- Anna Marie Valerio
Workshop 2: Doing More With Less With Your Talent Agenda
Are you a practitioner working with a lean team and/or budget but aiming to drive a strong talent agenda? This session will feature lessons learned from highly experienced practitioners, the chance to connect with colleagues with similar challenges, and the opportunity to work through a current challenge you are facing. This session will be geared at practitioners implementing talent agendas in organizations where they have a small team and few resources but still need to make a sizeable impact on the population through talent interventions. The topic of doing more with less during lean times is especially relevant to SIOP members during the uncertain economic environment when company budgets are limited. After this session, participants will have a better idea of how to prioritize their talent agenda to meet the needs of critical populations, deliver key messages to the business and stay in constant contact with them, and influence internally to get support for their agenda. Participants will have the chance to hear live case studies from two experienced professionals and will also get to build on an action learning example from their own experiences. There is a focus on peer learning and exchange during the session as well.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this program, participants will be able to:
- Explain how to prioritize the talent agenda to focus on what matters to the organization and department in the short term, considering critical populations.
- Apply up to two influence methods to get discretionary effort from others to be involved in talent work as needed.
- Deliver a compelling message to organizational leaders on the purpose and value of talent practices.
- Describe how to develop a relationship with key business partners to collect their needs and provide them with requested information on talent practices.
- Describe how to apply up to three best practices to one’s own situation to effectively address a lean talent scenario.
Thursday, October 24 from 8:30 am – Noon. Lunch will be provided for workshop attendees.
CE Credit:
This workshop is approved for continuing education credit. Details can be found on the Continuing Education webpage.
Amber Burkhart
Facilitators (find biographies on the Workshop Facilitators page):
- Jim Scrivani
- Gina Seaton