Leah Pekarik is proficient in the ways of enhancing the customer experience from years dedicated to working within both corporate and the public workforces. While serving the public for over a decade at City of Bowling Green, Parks and Recreation Department, she learned from all ages on to create joy through various activities, events, and partnerships. While with Parks and Recreation, she was able to earn a certificate from the Disney Institute in the Approach to Quality Service. After helping open a multi-million-dollar community center along with other local partners, she found great pride in knowing most patrons by name along with their families.

Valuable lessons were then taken to a different audience when Leah made the move to another public sector, higher education at Bowling Green State University. Entering her time at BGSU offered her the opportunity to grow and fuel her alma mater with incoming students and their parents in the Office of Admissions, only to watch those students leave the nest at many Commencement ceremonies as newly fledged Falcons!

With the knowledge gained, a venture into the private sector led Leah to Marathon Petroleum Company to serve as an Administrative Assistant within the Asphalt Marketing and Technology department. She truly enjoyed the connections made worldwide with working at Marathon, spreading the net of customer service further than ever before.

Leah earned her bachelor’s degree in Recreation from Bowling Green State University, where she enjoys going to football and hockey games occasionally. She has a son for whom she is a constant cheerleader in his sporting endeavors in football, hockey, soccer, track and field, the list goes on. When she isn’t traveling for sporting events, Leah enjoys being with friends and family near and far. Leah’s SIOP responsibilities include membership application processing, monthly reporting to APA, and assistance with the Anniversary Circle.

Leah Pekarik's headshot

Email Address

Phone Number
Ext. 103