
SIOP Foundation Research Grant Evaluation

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The Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and its SIOP Foundation have established various grant programs to support groundbreaking research and provide critical resources to deserving scholars. However, the impact of some SIOP Foundation research grants has not been systematically measured in the past. Therefore, the SIOP Foundation collaborated with the Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) I/O Psychology graduate program. The MTSU team, composed of second-year master’s level graduate students, constructed an evaluation method, collected data, analyzed data, and reported the findings to the SIOP Foundation at the 2023 SIOP conference.  Overall, this evaluation provides valuable insights for the SIOP Foundation to enhance their grant programs and better serve the needs of the grant recipients, the SIOP community, and the field of Industrial-Organizational Psychology.


The MTSU team set a high precedent in this pioneering evaluation. The SIOP Foundation will be requesting subsequent projects to examine the impact of awards and grants, as well as additional exploration of the impact of scholarships. In the spirit of learning from experience and after-action reviews, we look forward to discussions of what has gone well and what might be done differently going forward.