This forum will bring together scholars interested in workplace health and wellness to develop research ideas at the intersection of micro (physiology, momentary experiences) and macro (economic trends, public policy) phenomena in a supportive and collaborative environment.

Our goal is to promote research that incorporates these perspectives, such that (1) more macro-focused scholars might find ways to consider the individual-level implications of their work, (2) micro-level scholars might consider the broader environmental dynamics that could influence their theorizing, and (3) scholars who have not yet explored their research at these levels may gain insights into how to better integrate these perspectives into more mainstream, individual-level OHP research. Overall, we hope to inspire new research collaborations between workplace health and wellness scholars that reflect multi-level organizational realities - helping scholars to solve big health and wellness challenges while honoring the nuances and complexities that might constitute their solutions.


1:00 p.m.

Insights, Challenges, and Rewards of Conducting Cross-Level OHP Research


Russ Cropanzano's headshot

Russell Cropanzano
University of Colorado Boulder

Chris Rosen's headshot

Chris Rosen
University of Arkansas

Bob Sinclair's headshot

Robert Sinclair
Clemson University

Presenters will discuss their overall insights into the challenges and rewards of conducting cross-level OHP research.

2:00 p.m.

Group Activity #1

Participants will work in pre-assigned groups (based on research interests solicited ahead of the conference) to discuss research idea/papers. These groups are designed to provide attendees with feedback on their work, and to foster new research collaborations across scholars with overlapping interests and varied data access.

3:00 p.m.

Coffee/Snack Break

3:30 p.m.

Behind the Scenes of Successful Cross-Level OHP Research Endeavors


Tim Bauerle
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Keaton Fletcher
Colorado State University

Molly Minnen Sloan
Radford University

Tahira Probst
Washington State University

Presenters will discuss the journey of their research projects from ideation to execution, as well as challenges they faced along the way

4:30 p.m.

Group Activity #2

Participants will reconnect with other attendees from their previous interactive session who they had the strongest overlapping interests with and engage in an activity to elaborate on potential ideas.