Annual Reports

Foundation Annual Reports

Click below to access the goals and accomplishments of the SIOP Foundation during the 2022-2023 fiscal year. 

As you may remember, the SIOP Foundation made the decision to change their fiscal year to coincide with the calendar year.  This change also required a change to our Annual Report as well. We are happy to present the 2022-23 report, which covers 18 months of Foundation giving, as well as new funds and awards, award winners from the 2023 and 2024 conferences, and an updated financial snapshot. The Foundation Trustees are grateful for all donors who supported the mission.

As you read this report, we hope you will add your name to the donor list in the coming year. 


Nancy T. Tippins, President SIOP Foundation   

The SIOP Foundation Trustees

PS: Having trouble? Copy and paste or click the link below.


View the 2022-2023 Annual Report

Past Annual Reports 

2021-2022 Report

2020-2021 Report
2019-2020 Report
2018-2019 Report
2017-2018 Report
2016-2017 Report
2015-2016 Report
2014-2015 Report
2013-2014 Report
2012-2013 Report
2011-2012 Report
2010-2011 Report
2009-2010 Report
2008-2009 Report
2007-2008 Report
2006-2007 Report
2005-2006 Report
2004-2005 Report
2003-2004 Report
2002-2003 Report
2001-2002 Report
2000-2001 Report
1999-2000 Report