Partner Agreement

2025 SIOP Annual Conference

2025 SIOP Annual Conference Partnership Agreement

By purchasing any of the advertising, exhibit space, sponsored items, and/or a sponsored graphic opportunity from the Society for the 2025 SIOP Annual Conference, you agree to the following:


WED., APRIL 2-EXHIBIT HALL MOVE-IN (All Booths): 8:00 AM-4:00 PM


THURS., APRIL 3 EXHIBIT HALL HOURS: 8:00 AM-6:00 PM. Open During Lunch.

FRI., APRIL 4 EXHIBIT HALL HOURS: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Open During Lunch.



Warning of Unsolicited Vendors: SIOP does not contract with housing or mailing list companies. Partnering organizations contacted by such firms are encouraged not to conduct business with them and are asked to forward all such inquiries to


Exhibit Hall Schedule General Agreement for All Advertisers, Exhibitors, and Sponsors


1. Partnership Order Placement

SIOP conference partnerships are competitive. Once an organization places an order for a conference partnership (advertising, booth space, sponsorship, or any combination thereof), the organization has agreed to support the SIOP Annual Conference through participation in the partnership opportunities selected.


2. Guarantee of Benefits

To ensure receipt of all the benefits assigned to the opportunities chosen and the partner level, which is reached through cumulative purchases, SIOP highly recommends ordering as soon as possible.


3. Payment Policy

All partnership orders must be paid in full within 30 days of receipt of your invoice.

All invoices must be paid by March 5, 2025, or your order is subject to cancellation.


4. Cancellations

Benefits of a partner’s participation begin immediately; therefore, partnership fees for opportunities already in use, e.g., ads printed in the Onsite Guide (PDF) or sponsored items with partner logo and/or messaging that already have been created, are nonrefundable. Web ads and sponsor logos will be prorated. Cancelled booth space is not refundable unless and until the exhibit space has been re-sold. No refunds for cancellation after March 5, 2025. In the unlikely event that an organization needs to cancel, the partner must contact Susan Rogers at


5. Advertising, Graphics & Logo Deadlines

Partners selecting opportunities that include production of branded graphics (e.g., ads, banners, poster boards, & clings) must provide artwork files by Friday, February 19, 2025. Partners not providing graphics by this deadline will be responsible for the late fees charged to SIOP by the graphics vendor.


6. Changes in Partnership Opportunities

All SIOP partnerships are subject to change due to unexpected variations in state and local laws, venue requirements, or availability. SIOP reserves the right to reject any partnership order for any reason.


7. Auxiliary Events

Any partner who wants to hold their own event (e.g., a reception) in the conference hotel must complete a SIOP Auxiliary Event form. Please contact Laura Palmer at to begin the process of securing space.


8. Booth Configuration

  • Standard booth size is 10 x 10’.
  • Each booth comes with a 6’ draped table, two chairs, and a wastebasket plus an organizational name sign for the back drape.
  • All drape is black.
  • No booth carpeting is required for 2025; however, you are allowed to purchase carpeting for your booth through the Paramount Convention Services Online Exhibitor Manual for comfort and branding purposes.
  • Electrical for your booth is optional and is ordered through the online Paramount Convention Services Online Exhibitor Manual.


9. Exhibit Hall Features

Locations indicated on the Exhibit Hall floor plan for features such as the main entrances, food and beverage breaks, the SIOP Commons, and poster sessions are subject to change due to show management decisions, venue requirements, and fire and safety restrictions.


10. Booth Location Assignment

When placing an order, exhibitors must indicate their top three preferred locations. No booths are immediately assigned. SIOP reviews booth-space preferences and considers the date the order was placed, level of partnership for the calendar year, and prior partnership history when making assignment decisions. SIOP reserves the right to alter booth space locations at any time if deemed in the best interest of the event.


11. Exhibit Hall Move-In and Move-Out

  • Set-up begins on Wednesday, April 2, at 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM Mountain for all booths.
  • The exhibiting organization agrees to have an organizational representative in the booth space to assist with set-up during the move-in hours until their booth is complete (even if the organization has hired a third-party to build it).
  • Move out is on Friday, April 4, from 5:00—7:00 PM. Exhibitors agree not tear-down their booth prior to 5:00 PM on Friday.


12. Exhibit Hall Schedule

  • On Thursday, the Exhibit Hall hours will be 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
  • On Friday, the Exhibit Hall hours will be 8:00 AM to 5 PM.


13. Exhibit Staffing

Exhibit displays must remain fully intact and staffed during all Exhibit Hall hours. Every booth staffer requires an Exhibit Hall-only badge, which provides access only to the Exhibit Hall and NOT to the educational sessions and receptions. Booth staff must display their SIOP-issued name badge at all times and agree to abide by all conference attendee rules including but not limited to the SIOP Anti-Harassment Policy.


14. General Services Contractor/Online Exhibitor Manual (Booth Carpet, Electrical, Furniture)

Paramount Convention Services is the official 2025 SIOP Annual Conference show contractor with labor and equipment to be provided per the rates and terms that Paramount will outline in their online exhibitor manual. SIOP assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever related to the performance or nonperformance of Paramount. The Exhibitor Manual will be posted by Paramount online in early 2025 (date to be determined).


15. Displays & Audiovisual

Exhibitors are asked to be considerate of neighboring booths and remain within the defined booth space, not flowing into common areas. SIOP reserves the right to have exhibitors move, rearrange, or dismantle all or part of a booth should SIOP, the hotel, or the fire marshal deem it necessary. Exhibitors will not block the line of site of other booths near or next to them. Sound must be kept at a volume not to exceed that of a normal conversation. Amplification is not permissible.


16. Food and Beverage

Exhibitors may not bring in outside food and beverage, except for personal consumption by booth staff. Any in-booth food and beverage activity must be arranged with the catering department of the convention center.


17. Booth Receptions/Activities

Exhibitors intending to offer receptions or similar activities in their booth must notify Susan Rogers at by Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Such activities may be conducted during regular Exhibit Hall hours and must remain within the footprint of the exhibitor’s booth space and not obstruct the aisles. To hold a more extensive event that cannot be contained within the booth footprint, please see #7 regarding Auxiliary Events.


18. Exhibit Hall Wi-Fi

Complimentary Wi-Fi will be available in the exhibit hall on Thursday and Friday. The Wi-Fi will be shared bandwidth among exhibitors and attendees throughout the hall. If you need high reliability and speed for product demonstrations or other purposes, we recommend that you purchase a dedicated internet line for your booth rather than relying on the shared Wi-Fi access. Details will be available in the GES online Exhibitor Services Manual.


19. Glitter, Confetti, Popcorn, and Other Materials

  • The use of glitter, confetti, sand, or simulated snow types of material are not permitted in the Exhibit Hall.
  • Adhesive-backed decals will not be given away or utilized.
  • Popcorn is not permitted without prior written approval from the convention center. Additional cleaning charges may apply.


20. Age Limit

No one under the age of 18 is permitted on the loading docks, in the truck bays or in the loading dock yard. Additionally, no one under the age of 18 is permitted in the Exhibit Hall during move-in and move-out operations.

Questions? Contact Susan K. Rogers, CAE, SIOP Business Development Manager, at