Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology > Membership > Local I-O Groups



 Local I-O Groups and Related Organizations


This listing is everything from small, on-campus groups to large organizations. The purpose is to help you find a group of like-minded people with whom you can share your professional opinions, get career advice, and perhaps even mentor up-and-coming I-O psychologists.


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Local I-O Group Locator and Map

OrganizationSorted By Organization In Ascending OrderWebsiteCityStateCountryNotes
AAIOP (Austin Association for Industrial/Organizational Psychology)WebsiteAustinTexasUSAOur current meeting schedule is about once a quarter with a focus on networking and sharing best practices. Interested parties can either contact David Dubin ( or Julie Caplinger ( or visit our LinkedIn ( and Meetup websites ( 
Atlanta I-O Happy Hour Group AtlantaGeorgiaUSAWe bring students, academics, and practitioners together in a casual environment to facilitate networking. We typically meet 3-4 times a year in various locations around Atlanta. If you would like to be added to the invite list, please email
BAAP (Bay Area Applied Psychologists)WebsiteSan FranciscoCaliforniaUSALocated in the greater San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California, BAAP comprises both professionals and students of Applied Psychology, and provides affiliation and networking with fellow Bay Area psychology professionals. Their meetings and social events provide the opportunity to learn new topical information in the various fields of Applied Psychology, network with other professionals and/or students, and gain new knowledge and the latest information regarding trends and best practices within Applied Psychology.
BayState IOWebsiteBostonMassachusettsUSABayState IO is a membership organization connecting professionals in Massachusetts who apply principles and practices of Psychology to the workplace through internal organizational practice, external consulting, and academia. We do this by providing in-person and virtual opportunities for members to learn evidence-based practices, further their development, collaborate, and apply Industrial-Organizational Psychology in the local community.  For questions and inquires:

You can also connect with us at our LinkedIn site:
Black I-O Psychologists for Police ReformWebsiteAllAllUSAThis organization leverages the expertise of Black Law Enforcement professionals and Black Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychologists to build relationships between Black communities and police municipalities. The group meets virtually on Friday's from 2pm - 3pm.
Blacks In I/O - DMV  Washington, DCUSABlacks In I/O - DMV. is a group based out of the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Our main goals are to provide career development opportunities and increase the presence of Blacks in the Industrial Organizational Psychology industry through the facilitation of networking events, seminars and strategic alliances. For questions and comments please email: You can also connect with us on LinkedIn and Instagram @BlacksinIO
Brunswik SocietyWebsite AllUSA(Decision Making) Informal association of researchers who are interested in understanding and improving human judgment and decision making. Members of the Society share an appreciation of the work of the psychologist Egon Brunswik. The Society has no dues. Its primary activities have been an annual meeting held every year since 1985, a yearly newsletter (since 1986), and an Internet discussion list (since 1993).
CHIOP (Chattanooga I-O Psychology Group)WebsiteChattanoogaTennesseeUSAThe Chattanooga Industrial and Organizational Psychology group (CHAIOP) is a network of students, professionals and academics with similar educational and professional interests in Chattanooga, TN. The purpose of this group is to strengthen the connection of local I-O psychologists in the Chattanooga area. CHAIOP organizes and hosts educational and social events for members to meet, network, and gain knowledge about the scientific and applied sides of the field.
CIOP (Chicago I/O Psychologists, formerly GCAIOP)WebsiteChicagoIllinoisUSAFour to 6 half-day seminars/workshops each year and an annual dinner meeting. Newsletter. Job postings.
CODESP (Cooperative Organization for the Development of Employee Selection Procedures)Website California NevadaUSA(Personnel Testing and Assessment.) A non-profit consortium of classified personnel departments in California and Nevada public school and community college districts.  Online test question bank, interviews, writing exercises, performance tests.  CODESP Job Analysis Questionnaire and CODESP Job Description Builder. Several training meetings throughout the state each year. Newsletter.  Over 700 members.
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in OrganizationsWebsite AllUSA(Emotional Intelligence) Founded 1996 to aid advancement of research and practice related to emotional intelligence in organizations. Currently made up of 8 founding members and 15 additional members who are individuals with a strong record of accomplishment as applied researchers in the field. Also, 6 organizational and corporate members.
COP (College of Organizational Psychologists, Australia)Website N/AAustraliaThis group is part of the Australian Psychological Society, representing I-O psychologists in Australia. Journal, eMagazine, bi-annual Conference, and PD events in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, SA, WA and the ACT.
CSIOP (Clemson SIOP)WebsiteClemsonSouth CarolinaUSAEnergetic new group with student, faculty, and practitioner members from Clemson University and upstate South Carolina. Bi-monthly meetings, newsletter, speakers, and social events.
CSIOP (I-O Division of the Canadian Psychology Association)Website N/ACanadaThe Canadian Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (CSIOP) is the main body for I-O psychology in Canada, with more than 300 members in Canada, as well as international members. CSIOP is an official section of the Canadian Psychological Association. CSIOP has an active website and social media presence, and hosts a wide variety of original content of interest to all, including blogs on issues related to academics, practitioners, and students, interviews with established I-O scholars, and a quarterly newsletter with practitioner and research columns from various experts. CSIOP also hosts an annual one-day Institute, and an annual 2-3 day conference program as part of the Canadian Psychological Association Convention. 

DAIOP (Dallas Area I-O Psychologists) WebsiteDallasTexasUSAFounded in 2002, DAIOP has about 60 members who meet bimonthly in the Dallas area to discuss I-O topics.  CE credits are provided at meetings. Job postings are listed on the Web site.
EAWOP (European Association of Work and Organizational Psychologists)Website N/AEuropeA network of networks liking together I-O groups from several European nations. Newsletter and regular conference.
ECAP (Erie Canal Applied Psychology Network) RochesterNew YorkUSAThe Erie Canal Applied Psychology Network (ECAP) is a professional organization for applied psychologists from Upstate New York. The mission of ECAP is to develop a forum for academics and practitioners to share and exchange research and practices, form collaborative relationships, and disseminate information of interest to professionals in this field. Their membership consists of practitioners and academics who share a common interest in industrial and organizational psychology. Benefits of membership in ECAP include networking with like minded professionals and discussing and exchanging information of mutual interest. Members receive a directory of ECAP's membership. Meetings typically take place on a quarterly basis. For more information, please contact Stephanie Felice,
Economic Psychology & Behavioural Economics  N/AInternational(Economics) This LinkedIn group is aimed to connect researchers (predominantly academic) working in the field of economic psychology, behavioural economics and socio-economics. All interested professionals are welcome, in particular IAREP (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology), SABE (Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics), SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) and other allied associations members.  If you study economic psychological problems, you are welcome to join:  Please notify Elena Tougareva, PhD, Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IAREP Country Representative for Russia, email:, with a request to join the group.
Florida Industrial & Organizational PsychologyWebsiteVariousFloridaUnited StatesThe mission of Florida Industrial & Organizational Psychology (FIOP) is to celebrate, advance, and raise awareness of the field of industrial and organizational psychology. While based in Central Florida, our membership consists of I-O psychologists both academics and practitioners, graduate and undergraduate students, and others interested in I-O psychology all over the state. FIOP hosts guest speaking events both virtually and in person. They also host social events, and networking opportunities regularly. Membership is currently offered at no cost. Join us!
GAIOP (Georgia Association for I-O Psychology)WebsiteAtlantaGeorgiaUSAEstablished to promote the sharing of ideas and information about psychology as applied to work and human resource management; provide professional development, including continuing education; and promote the application of psychological science in the workplace.  Membership is open to any person who agrees to further the purposes of GAIOP and who has paid the required dues.
GIOP (Gateway I/O Psychologists)WebsiteSt. LouisMissouriUSAThe Gateway I-O Psychologists group (GIOP) is a community for St. Louis area I-O psychologists to learn from each other, to connect with colleagues, and to share their expertise. It does this through programs, networking, and professional opportunities.
GOHWP (The Global Organisation for Humanitarian Work Psychology)Website N/AInternationalA coalition of individuals from low- to high-income countries devoted to the field of humanitarian work psychology and its participants. They work together to promote and engage in humanitarian activities through the practice and study of organisational psychology. Global membership of approximately 150, representing nearly 20 countries worldwide.
HAIOP (Houston Area Industrial and Organizational Psychologists) WebsiteHoustonTexasUSAPromotes exchange of scientific, empirical, practical, theoretical, and/or conceptual information and concerns between members.  Serves as an open forum where members can discuss topics in HR and related I-O fields of mutual interest and concern. Membership is open to all HR professionals in the greater Houston area having an interest in the application of I-O psychological principles.  Monthly meetings during the academic year. Continuing Education credits. About 80 members.
HFES (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society)Website AllUSA(Human Factors) 5,000 members strong, and in existence since 1957! About 60 local chapters and 20 technical groups internationally. Annual meeting usually in October. Monthly newsletter and 2 periodicals.
HIOP (Hawai'i Association for Industrial-Organizational Psychology)WebsiteBig IslandHawaiiUSAThe purpose of the Hawai’i Association for Industrial-Organizational Psychology is to cultivate and educate Hawai’i businesses on the scientific practices of Industrial & Organizational Psychology.

HRPS (Human Resource Planning Society)Website AllUSA(Human Resource Management) National group for senior HR consultants, academics and Fortune 500 practitioners. 3,000 members. Focus is on applying strategic HR management practices to organizations. Sponsors research. Over a dozen seminars/workshops each year and an annual conference. Quarterly journal and newsletter. 11 affiliate chapters in US. Affiliated with European HR Forum (EHRF) and Australian HR Institute (AHRI). CEUs offered for workshops.
Indy I-O Indianapolis IndianaUSARelatively new group with practitioner, faculty, and student members from in the Indianapolis, Indiana area. Quarterly meetings, speakers, and social events allowing for developmental opportunities and networking. For getting involved, please email
I-O Practitioners NetworkWebsite AllUSA(Social Media and Networking) A free online networking group via LinkedIn for internal and external experts in the fields of industrial-organizational psychology, leadership and/or organizational development, and change management.
IO Task Force, Chicago School of PsychologyWebsiteChicagoIllinoisUSACreated to raise awareness of Industrial Organizational Psychology throughout the Chicago area with a system of integrated educational, professional, and social programs. Acts as an academic liaison and provides professional development and networking opportunities to students and professionals who are passionate about Industrial Organizational Psychology.
IPAC (International Personnel Assessment Council)Website N/AInternational(Personnel Testing and Assessment.) Focuses on recruitment, selection and assessment issues primarily in the public sector. 400 members. Local section in the Great Lakes area, Great Lakes Employee Assessment Network (GLEAN). Bimonthly newsletter. Other publications, including sponsorship of the online journal Personal Assessment and Decisions. Online bulletin board and job announcements. Annual conference. Periodic training workshops.
IPMA (International Personnel Management Association)Website AllUSA(Human Resource Management) The SHRM for public sector HR generalists. 50 local chapters. Offers online ordering of test materials.
ISPI (International Society for Performance Improvement)Website N/AInternational(Training) A 39-year-old group of "performance technology" folks. 10,000 members. Many local chapters in US and abroad. Conferences, workshops, journal. Online discussion group. These folks take training seriously.
ITSG (Information Technology Survey Group)Website AllUSA(Human Resources and Technology) A consortium of about 20 companies (e.g., Google, Intiut, Cisco, IBM, HP, Intel, Sun, SAP, Dell, Microsoft) in the IT industry. Primary goals are to share survey results and HR best practices through research and benchmarking among the member companies. Meets biannually.
KCAPS (Kansas City Applied Psychology Society)WebsiteKansas CityMissouriUSAA group started in 2008 with about 100 members, KCAPS is an association of professionals with an interest in applied psychology and I-O principles.  Occasional meetings and networking events are held in the Kansas City area.

LASIOP (Los Angeles Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology)WebsiteLos AngelesCaliforniaUSALASIOP is Southern California's premier professional association for Industrial Psychologists, Consulting Psychologists, and HR Leaders. We provide a forum for I/O Psychologists, Consulting Psychologists, and Human Resources leaders to discuss topics of interest and find solutions to their Human Capital needs. As a service to the professional community, we provide free online seminars on strategic and timely topics, geared toward providing actionable recommendations that you can leverage today. As a service to job seekers and employers, we provide relevant and timely job listings throughout the US. Everyone is welcome to join LASIOP, and membership is free.
LION (Louisville I/O Network)WebsiteLouisvilleKentuckyUSAWe are a group of professionals and academics who meet periodically in the Louisville, KY area to share experiences and research on a variety of organizational topics. All events are free and anyone with an interest in--or in finding out about--Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Data Analytics, Marketing, Training, etc. is welcome to join. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, email us at
MAIOP (Michigan Association for Industrial-Organizational Psychology)WebsiteDetroitMichiganUSAMAIOP is an association of 165+ like-minded professionals who are located in Michigan and nearby Midwestern states. Our goal is to facilitate the exchange of information and experience among members while enhancing the awareness of I-O psychology among potential users and the general public. We provide learning opportunities and networking for professional and student members through regular meetings and social events.

Mayflower GroupWebsite AllUSA(Benchmarking) Founded in 1971, consortium of blue-chip companies employing at least 10,000 U.S.-based employees. Dedicated to employee opinion surveys. Limited membership with a tough qualification process. 2 meetings per year.
METRO (Metropolitan New York Association for Applied Psychology)WebsiteNew YorkNew YorkUSAGrandma of all I-O groups, founded in 1939. Monthly meetings, newsletter, job listings. 500-600 members.
MIOP (Memphis I-O Psychologists)WebsiteMemphisTennesseeUSAMIOP is a group of industrial-organizational psychologists and like-minded individuals located in the Greater Memphis area. Our goal is to provide networking and learning opportunities for individuals practicing and researching within the field of I-O psychology.

MPPAW (Minnesota Professionals for Psychology Applied to Work)WebsiteMinneapolis MinnesotaUSAEnergetic group started in 1998. Well organized. 7 monthly meetings during the academic year in the Twin Cities area. About 200 members. Newsletter. CEUs offered.

NCIOP (North Carolina Industrial and Organizational Psychologists)WebsiteRaleighNorth CarolinaUSAProfessional network of, at present, some 100 I-O professionals from universities, corporations, and private practices. Meets twice a year for a one-day program, and publishes two digital newsletters each year.
NESAP (New England Society for Applied Psychology)WebsiteBostonMassachusettsUSAInformal group of senior psychologists open to new blood. About 60 members. Five meetings per year in the Newton/Boston area. Five times-yearly newsletter.
NYSPA IOP Division (New York State Psychological Association's Industrial, Organizational & Personnel)WebsiteNew York CityNew YorkUSAThis organization has 70+  members who work in assessment, selection/placement, employee training/development/teaching, personnel research, product evaluation, and the design of work environments. The IOP Division provides opportunities for psychologists to share information and experiences, continue learning about current trends and opportunities, and network. Meetings are held every other month in NYC. Listserv.  CE credits are offered for programs developed to meet member needs.
ODI (Organization Development Institute)Website AllUSA(Organizational Development) Newsletter, journal, job placement, assistance in starting a local OD network.
OH I-O (Ohio Industrial Organizational Psychologists)WebsiteColumbusOhioUSAGuiding Principle: A place for scientists and practitioners to come together for the betterment of all workers.
Purpose: Provide members with professional growth and networking opportunities in I-O psychology and related fields. Encourage and provide education and training in the latest research and applied practices in I-O psychology and related fields. And  advance the science and practice of I-O psychology and related fields.  Contact information: Elisabeth Kelbley

PAAP (Philadelphia Area Applied Psychologists) PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaUSAThis informal group comes together to discuss practicing the application of psychology in human resources, organizational development, testing, training and development, leadership, and more. Monthly meetings, newsletter, speakers, and social events. Contact: Holly Geldhauser
PAI (People Assessment in Industry, South Africa)Website N/ASouth AfricaFocuses on marketing and educating people about psychological assessment, validation studies, and ethics of use. 16 individual and 22 organizational/corporate members.
Performance America LearningWebsite AllUSA(Benchmarking) A network devoted to assessing and improving Government performance through organizational assessment and development. Similar to Mayflower Group in goals and objectives. Current members include federal, state, and local government agencies. Quarterly meetings.
PIOPA (Portland Industrial & Organizational Psychology Association)  PortlandOregonUSAThis is an informal association of professionals with backgrounds, professional experience, and education in industrial, organizational, and work psychology, or other related disciplines and working in the Oregon/Southwest Washington region. There are 2 meetings each quarter. Please contact Jeff Johnson at for information about the group.

PSAIOP (Puget Sound Association of I-O Psychologists) SeattleWashingtonUSAFounded in 1991 with over 80 members in the Seattle area. Quarterly luncheon meetings and periodic continuing education. Contact person is Jevon Powell at 206-841-5132.  E-mail at

PTC/A (Personnel Testing Council of Arizona)Website ArizonaUSA(Personnel Testing and Assessment.) Quarterly workshops in the Phoenix area and a newsletter.
PTC/MW (Personnel Testing Council of Metropolitan Washington, DC)WebsiteWashington DCMaryland Virginia DCUSAEstablished in 1977, PTCMW has over 300 professional and student members and a steady stream of new ways for I-O Psychologists to connect, share, and grow. Monthly events including applied and academic presentations, workshops, a student consulting competition, networking happy hours, and an annual Fall Event. The group also regularly publishes excellent articles on their newsletter/blog and the website is a popular place to find DC metro area job listings.

PTC/NC (Personnel Testing Council of Northern California)  CaliforniaUSA(Personnel Testing and Assessment.) Monthly meetings rotating between the Bay area and Sacramento, spring conference and a quarterly newsletter. Periodic training workshops.
PTC/SC (Personnel Testing Council of Southern California)Website CaliforniaUSA(Personnel Testing and Assessment.) Monthly meetings, spring conference, and a newsletter. Periodic research meetings and workshops. Between 200-300 members.
RVA/IOP (Richmond, Virginia’s IOP)WebsiteRichmondVAUSARichmond IOP exists to help advance the area of work psychology by providing networking opportunities and resources for professionals and students interested in improving the fit between the worker and the workplace.
SCPMA (Southern California Personnel Management Association)  CaliforniaUSAMonthly meetings in LA or Orange County area. Spring conference. Training sessions throughout the year. About 400 members. Contact: Bill Osness at 714-536-5586.
SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)Website AllUSA(Human Resource Management) National group focusing on the needs of HR generalists. Your VP of HR belongs to this group. Scads and scads of local chapters. Journals, job listings, annual conference, CEUs for workshops.
SIOPA (Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology Australia)Website  AustraliaSIOPA is an independent and incorporated association with a purpose to create growth, supervision and professional development opportunities for Industrial/Organisational (I/O) Psychologists and related disciplines in Australia. Our mission is to create growth, supervision and professional development opportunities for Industrial/Organisational (I/O) Psychologists and related disciplines in Australia. Our practices, methods and principles have been derived and supported by US-based Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists (SIOP) and are tailored to suit the renewed challenges that present our profession moving into the future.
SIOPSA (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology of South Africa)Website N/ASouth AfricaThe Society's mission is to help develop a fair and humane work environment, enabling people to reach their full potential and experience a high quality of work life in South Africa.
SJDM (Society for Judgment & Decision Making)Website AllUSA(Decision Making) Annual meeting. Newsletter, journal discounts for members, and eligibility for discounted membership dues in APS.
SPIM (Society of Psychologists in Management)Website AllUSA(Management) National group whose focus is on the application of psychology to management. Annual conference. Newsletter and journal. About 250 members.
TBIOP (Tampa Bay IO Professionals) TampaFloridaUSAThe Tampa Bay I/O Psychology Professional Group (TB-IOP) is a network of students, professionals and academics with similar educational and professional interests in the Tampa Bay, Florida area. The purpose of this group is to strengthen the connection of local I-O psychologists. For more information, please contact Rick Hense at
Work 21 (Work Science Center Georgia Institute of Technology)WebsiteAtlantaGeorgiaUSAThe Work Science Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology brings together a network of academics, practitioners, and students to bring the science of I-O psychology into the modern workforce. We publish blogs, podcasts, and white papers geared for audiences ranging from front-line managers to researchers at academic institutions. We also host distinguished lectures on cutting-edge topics in I-O; all individuals in the Atlanta area are welcome to attend. Sign up for the newsletter. Join the network. Stay connected.

WRIB (Western Regional Item Bank)Website AllUSA(Personnel Testing and Assessment.) Cooperative personnel testing resource utilizing a test-item database. Periodic training sessions. 175 members from public agencies nationwide.
WRIPAC (Western Regional Intergovernmental Personnel Assessment Council)Website Arizona California NevadaUSA(Personnel Testing and Assessment.) A consortium of public sector agencies in CA, NV and AZ with an interest in assessment. 3 meetings a year. Job analysis tool, video training tapes and monograph series. Newsletter, too.