About IOP
The first issue of the journal debuted in March 2008 and was produced by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. The journal is now being published by Cambridge University Press, a world leader in journal production, quarterly in March, June, September, and December.
SIOP members receive this publication as a part of their membership. Nonmembers may also subscribe to the journal for a fee.
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IOP Journal
The Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IOP) journal, published by SIOP and Cambridge University Press, is a key resource offering:
Focal Articles
In response to recent events, IOP is planning a special issue, Policy Shifts and Their Impact for I-O Psychology, featuring policy briefs.
Deadline for submission is April 4, 2025.
Call for Proposals for Special Issue of IOP journal

Electronic Journal Archives
Only paid SIOP members can access the electronic journal archives. Log in with a member username and password to access the journal portal.