Upgrade From Associate to Member
Since 2015, a Society bylaw amendment has provided a pathway for qualified Associates to apply for an upgrade to Member. For Associates who meet the following criteria, they would immediately become eligible to:
- Vote in a SIOP election
- Hold a position as a Committee Chair
- Nominate candidates for Executive Board seats
- Hold a position on the Executive Board
Criteria to upgrade from Associate to Member include:
- Paid status as an Associate for at least 3 of the past 5 years
- Be engaged in professional activities
- Have obtained a master’s degree that meets the criteria as established in policy by the Executive Board
- Have demonstrated by any combination of 3 official instances of engagement in the last 5 years, as measured by:
- Registering for an SIOP Annual Conference, Leading Edge Consortium, or serving as a committee volunteer
If you are a current Associate who meets these criteria, we encourage you to apply for an upgrade to Member.
During March through June, you are able to request an upgrade through your Member Snapshot. Upload a current resume or CV to complete your request.
During July through April, please send an email with your request and a current resume or CV to Leah Pekarik, Member Relations Specialist.
Upgrade From Student to Professional
Students can remain a Student member for up to 1 full year after their graduation date. Expand your Society engagement opportunities to gain access to professional benefits including:
- Serve as a Committee Chair
- Receive a listing in Consultant Locator Service
- Participate as a Media Resource
To become a professional member of SIOP:
- Update your member profile to include your completed degree information.
Then, during March through June, you are able to request an upgrade through your Member Snapshot. Upload a current resume or CV to complete your request.
During July through April, please send an email with your request and a current resume or CV to Leah Pekarik, Member Relations Specialist.
Other Membership Paths
- A SIOP Affiliate who has begun an educational path to earning an I-O psychology degree can become a Student member
- A long-standing SIOP Member may be eligible to reach Fellow status
- Professionals who have retired can change their Associate, Member, or Fellow membership to a Retired membership