Recent Statements

Read below for SIOP’s statements about how the Society responds to and takes a stance on current events and recent issues affecting members.

July 13, 2023: SIOP Stands in Support of Academic Freedom

SIOP is committed to fostering a vigorous scientific process through the open exchange of ideas and is opposed to legislation that undermines academic or intellectual freedom.

Jan. 21, 2023: Considerations and Recommendations for the Validation and Use of AI-Based Assessments for Employee Selection

SIOP believes that AI-based assessments used to make hiring and promotion decisions should meet the same standards as traditional tests.

Sept. 8, 2022: In Support of EEOC-DOJ Warning Against Disability Discrimination When Using AI

SIOP takes a proactive stance on preventing and combatting potential discrimination against individuals with disabilities during hiring processes.

Jan. 29, 2022: SIOP Statement on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Hiring

The society is firm that AI-based decision tools require the same level of scrutiny as traditional employment tests.

April 6, 2021: SIOP Responds to HBO Documentary

In response to Persona: The dark truth behind personality tests, SIOP shares the importance of employing proper scientific methods when using personality assessments.

Nov. 24, 2020: Statement of Support for Programs to Improve Organizational Diversity & Inclusion

As a society with a diverse membership, SIOP explicitly states support for programs designed to improve organizational diversity and inclusion.

June 2, 2020: SIOP Stands Against Racism

In response to recent tragedies, SIOP condemns these acts and encourages members to research racism in organizations, promote fair employment practices, and create safe environments for all people.