Series Editors

Bradford S. Bell
Cornell University
Bradford S. Bell is the William J. Conaty Professor in Strategic Human Resources and Director of the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies. Dr. Bell's research interests include training and development, team development and effectiveness, and virtual work. Dr. Bell was awarded the Early Career Achievement Award by the HR Division of the Academy of Management in 2008, and he is a former editor of Personnel Psychology. Dr. Bell is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and American Psychological Association.

Georgia T. Chao
University of South Florida
Georgia T. Chao is a professor of Psychology at the University of South Florida and also serves as the area director of the Industrial-Organizational Psychology program. Dr. Chao’s research interests are in the areas of teams, work adjustment, and work design with new technologies. Dr. Chao served as a program officer for the National Science Foundation. She was elected to several positions in the American Psychological Association, Academy of Management, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and served as SIOP’s president in 2020–2021. Dr. Chao is a Fellow of SIOP and APA.
Editorial Board

Lilia Cortina
University of Michigan
Lilia Cortina is University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology, Women’s and Gender Studies, and Management and Organizations at the University of Michigan. Dr. Cortina’s research focuses on sexual harassment and workplace incivility, investigating the many ways in which people are subordinated, violated, and relegated to the margins of organizational life. Dr. Cortina has also served as an expert witness to inform policy and legal decision making. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

James A. Grand
University Maryland
James A. Grand is an associate professor in the Social, Decision, and Organizational Sciences program at the University of Maryland. Dr. Grand’s main research interests focus on the interplay of knowledge-building, decision-making, collaboration, and performance at the individual and team levels. Dr. Grand served as chair on SIOP committees related to open science, scientific affairs, and science advocacy. He also serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Journal of Business and Psychology.

Li Ning
Tsinghua University, China
Li Ning is professor, Flextronics chair, and department chair of the Department of Leadership and Organization Management in the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University. Dr. Li’s research interests include organizational collaboration, organizational innovation and creativity, evidence-based management, high performing employees, big data in management, organizational network analysis, teamwork, and leadership. Dr. Li is an associate editor for the Journal of Management.

Dong Liu
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dong Liu is the Thomas R. Williams Chair in Management and professor of Organizational Behavior at the Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Liu’s research interests include event system theory, workplace proactive (creativity and citizenship behavior) and counterproductive (turnover and abusive supervision) behaviors, with a particular focus on examining the multilevel interface between individuals, teams, and organizations across cultures. Dr. Liu is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and American Psychological Association.

Stephen Stark
University of South Florida
Stephen Stark is a professor of Psychology and chair of the Department of Psychology at USF. Dr. Stark’s research focuses on item response theory methods, particularly ideal point models, forced-choice response formats, computerized adaptive testing, differential item functioning detection, and aberrant response detection. Dr. Stark has been elected to leadership positions in the American Psychological Association and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. He is a Fellow of APA and SIOP.

Yujie (Jesse) Zhan
Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Jessie Zhan is an associate professor and area coordinator for the Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Department at Wilfrid Laurier University. Dr. Zhan’s research interests include work stress and well-being, age in the workplace, older worker employment and retirement, emotion and emotion regulation at work, and work–nonwork interface. Dr. Zhan serves as an associate editor at Work, Aging and Retirement, and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Occupational Health Science.

Hannes Zacher
Leipzig University, Germany
Hannes Zacher is professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at Leipzig University in Germany. He previously held academic positions in Australia and the Netherlands. In his research program, he investigates aging at work, career development, occupational health and well-being, and proactive work behavior. His research is well-supported by competitive grants and funding from industry partners. He has published his work in top-tier international outlets, including American Psychologist, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Psychology and Aging.