SIOP and the United Nations

SIOP and the United Nations

In 2011, SIOP was granted NGO with Special Consultative Status with the United Nations (UN) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This provides SIOP and its members the opportunity to use theory, research, and practice of work psychology to make direct contributions to the programs and goals of the UN.


The SIOP UN Committee

The SIOP UN Committee was created to provide the support, activities, and structure necessary to align SIOP’s resources and expertise with the UN global vision and initiatives.


Strategic Goals

The goals of the committee are to:

  •   Support the UN through high-quality work psychology solutions to address humanitarian and development issues with the United Nations common system.
  •   Create and support the infrastructure necessary to provide the UN with SIOP expertise and resources.
  •   Form multi-stakeholder partnerships within the UN to identify and pursue potential projects where SIOP members can apply work psychology knowledge to aid the UN.
  •   Through internal development and succession planning, ensure that committee members are prepared and able to assist with the UN mandates.



The SIOP UN Committee undertakes and/or facilitates several activities to contribute to the UN goals and initiatives. These activities include raising awareness of the UN agenda items and goals within SIOP through presentations and publications, facilitating various direct contact engagements between SIOP members and UN staff , conducting outreach to the SIOP community to encourage broad participation in UN-related activities and programs, facilitating learning and education programs on work psychology topics for UN staff and officials, producing reports and statements that address critical topics for the UN, and serving on the Board of relevant UN organizations such as the Psychology Coalition of the United Nations (PCUN). Sample initiatives and communications can be viewed by clicking on the links in the upper right hand corner.