How Many U.S. Companies Use Employment Tests?
Did you know that . . . ***
41% of employers test job applicants in basic literacy and/or math skills.
34% of job applicants tested in 2000 lacked sufficient skills for the positions they sought.
68% of employers engage in various forms of job skill testing.
29% of employers use one or more forms of psychological measurement or assessment.
20% of employers use cognitive ability tests (for more information, see the article entitled Types of Employment Tests).
8% of employers use interest inventories.
14% of employers use some form of managerial assessments (for more information, see the articles entitled Types of Employment Tests and Individual Psychological Assessment).
13% of employers use personality tests (for more information, see the article entitled, Types of Employment Tests).
10% of employers use physical simulations of job tasks (for more information, see the article entitled, Types of Employment Tests).
***This information is based on survey data collected in 2001 from 1,627 HR managers who are members of the American Management Association. The survey accurately reflects the AMA membership base, and is therefore more reflective of larger organizations than all employers in the U.S. economy. Further, it is not reflective of test use outside the U.S.