Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Advanced Training Institutes

Dear Division Leaders,

Please see the following announcement about Advanced Training Institutes offered in the summer of 2020.

The American Psychological Association will sponsor four Advanced Training Institutes (ATIs) in the summer of 2020- Application deadlines begin March 23.

These intensive, five-day training programs are hosted at research institutions across the country. They immerse psychological scientists — new and established faculty, postdoctoral fellows, nonacademic scientists and advanced graduate students — in state-of-the-art research methods. Participants also have the opportunity to meet and network with other scientists who have related interests.

The 2020 ATIs are listed below. Complete information about these programs can be viewed on the Advanced Training Institute website.


Research Methods with Diverse Racial and Ethnic Groups
Michigan State University
June 1-5, 2020
Application deadline: March 23, 2020


Structural Equation Modeling in Longitudinal Research
Arizona State University
June 1-5, 2020
Application deadline: March 23, 2020


Analysis of Intensive Longitudinal Data: Experience Sampling and Ecological Momentary Assessment
Arizona State University
June 8-12, 2020
Application deadline: March 30, 2020


Nonlinear Methods for Psychological Science
University of Cincinnati
July 20-24, 2020
Application deadline: April 6, 2020

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