Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Ariel Ellis

2024 Distinguished Professional Practice and Student Awards

APA’s Board of Professional Affairs (BPA) seeks nominations for its Distinguished Professional Contributions Awards. For each distinguished award described below, nominators are asked to provide (1) a Narrative Statement of no more than 300 words detailing contributions made and how these connect to aspects of the award; (2) a current Curriculum Vitae (or resume); (3) and a brief Bio Sketch.

Nominees must have excellent overall personal and professional reputations. Nominees should not have received disciplinary action from a state board of examiners in psychology or a history of ethical violations at the state or national level.

Please direct questions and nomination materials by July 15, 2023, to the Distinguished Awards Program c/o Governance Operations, Office of Practice Transformation and Quality, APA Practice Directorate at No calls please. Thank you for your efforts!


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