Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Using emotional intelligence to take care of yourself and others in a virtual world

Victoria Mattingly, PhD, CEO & Founder of Mattingly Solutions

Barbara Ruland 0 7748 Article rating: 3.0

For those of us fortunate to still have jobs in a COVID-19 world, I’m right alongside you, learning how to navigate a 100% remote role in a 100% virtual marketplace. Although we’re the lucky ones able to still perform our job during this unprecedented time…it doesn’t mean this #remotelife is easy. 

Fortunately, we also have resources we can use to buffer or counteract the demands being placed on us in our remote work-life. Job resources refer to any physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects we can use to complete our work, achieve our goals, reduce the effect of remote work-life demands, and promote personal growth, learning, and development.

APA Board of Directors Call For Nominations

Anonym 0 2171 Article rating: No rating

Nominations are sought for three positions on the 2021 APA Board of Directors:

Two Members-at-Large (one of whom must be an early career psychologist) and one Public Member.

The term of service for all positions is January 1, 2021-December 31, 2023.  Newly elected Board members will also attend the Board meeting in early December 2020.

The Needs Assessment, Slating and Campaigns Committee (NASCC) aims to maintain a balanced Board of Directors that reflects the demographic and disciplinary diversity of the APA membership. NASCC conducted a comprehensive needs assessment that included a review of the composition of the 2020 Board of Directors as well as an assessment of the organizational priorities of APA.  Below, we provide lists of both general and specific qualities we are seeking in nominees:

Meeting of the Advisory Committee (AC) to the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) National Science Foundation (NSF)

Thursday, June 4, 2020 (all times EDT) via Zoom (see instructions below) Draft Agenda

Anonym 0 2030 Article rating: 5.0
11:00 am – 11:10 am Welcome, Introductions, Approval of Previous AC Meeting Summary
Dr. Karen Cook, SBE AC Chair
11:10 am – Noon SBE Update
Dr. Arthur Lupia, Assistant Director (AD), SBE

Build and Broaden: Enabling New Social, Behavioral and Economic Science
Collaborations with Minority-Serving Institutions
Dr. Kellina Craig-Henderson, Deputy AD, SBE

Strengthening American Infrastructure
Dr. Marc Sebrechts, Division Director (DD), SBE Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences

Societal Experts Action Network
Dr. Daniel Goroff, DD, SBE Division of Social and Economic Sciences

Science and Engineering Indicators: Highlights
Ms. Emilda Rivers, DD, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Noon – 12:15 pm National Institutes of Health (NIH) Activities related to COVID-19
Dr. William Riley, Director, NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
12:15 pm – 1:00 pm Break
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Exploring Collaboration between SBE and the Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE)
(jointly with CISE AC)
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Break
3:00 pm – 3:40 pm SBE AC Member Research Presentations
Dr. Willie Pearson, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Ravon Fouché, Purdue University
3:40 pm – 3:50 pm Break
3:50 pm – 4:00 pm Farewell to and Reflections from Outgoing SBE AC Chair
Dr. Arthur Lupia, AD, SBE
Dr. Karen Cook, SBE AC Chair
4:00 pm – 4:20 pm Wrap-up, Assignments, Closing Remarks
Dr. Arthur Lupia, AD, SBE
Dr. Karen Cook, SBE AC Chair
4:20 pm Adjourn

Advance registration for the meeting is required:
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Three New Reads

Anonym 0 1936 Article rating: No rating

Work may have changed, but it continues nonetheless. Three new white papers are now available to keep you up to date on the latest in I-O research.

The SIOP International Affairs Committee has produced the first paper, Be the Eyes: Training Employees to Recognize Industry-Relevant Indicators of Sex Trafficking. Authors Maura J. Mills, Leanne M. Tortez, and Robert Blanton discuss ways to teach employees how to identify critical signs of trafficking in their places of work. Despite advances in sexual harassment training, the training and resources for identifying and stopping sex trafficking have lagged behind. This white paper gives managers in the trucking, hospitality, convenience, and other industries a set of resources they can use to start the process.

I-O Science Advocacy for the Long Run

GREAT new handbook supports member efforts

Anonym 0 1741 Article rating: No rating

SIOP’s Government Relations Advocacy Team (GREAT) has just released a thoughtfully designed, concisely comprehensive guide summarizing SIOP’s approach to advocacy at the federal level and providing advice and resources for members who wish to pursue advocacy work.

This members-only benefit, the “Guide to Federal Outreach and Advocacy,” was created with assistance from SIOP’s advocacy partner, Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC, under the direction of GREAT Chair Alexander Alonso and Research and Science Officer Steve W. J. Kozlowski.

“SIOP has developed an active and robust advocacy effort spearheaded by GREAT and Lewis-Burke,” Steve Kozlowski said. “A really important adjunct to these efforts via SIOP leadership is to provide more active engagement in I-O advocacy by SIOP members. This guide is an important resource toward that desirable end.

Alex Alonso added, “Advocacy plays a vital role in making the science of work known; and helping SIOP members leverage advocacy to their benefit is the easiest way to make I-O relevant.  We are pleased to share this guide as a resource for members as they help grow our field.”
