Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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A Path to Full SIOP Membership

SIOP Administrative Office

Jim Rebar 0 2517 Article rating: No rating

In May 2014, SIOP Executive Board Member Eric Heggestad proposed an idea he and Satoris Howes developed to create a pathway to full membership for Associate members. An Associate differs from a Member solely based on the educational levels of their degree, disqualifying Associates from holding office, serving as chair of a committee, and, most importantly, voting in SIOP elections.

Dr. Heggestad says Associate Members and students sparked the idea to change the bylaw. “They wanted to serve SIOP. They wanted to vote in SIOP elections. They wanted to be recognized for their professional accomplishments. They simply wanted to be included.” Dr. Heggestad said, “Yet, these bright and talented people who were out in the world doing I-O-related work, were simply not fully welcomed by the professional society with which they most identified.“

New Skills for the New Year

SIOP Administrative Office

Jim Rebar 0 2420 Article rating: No rating

Using R to Work With Big Data and Web Scraping

Flexibility is just one of the very good reasons R has been widely embraced in scientific and analytical disciplines.  Not only is it useful for classic statistical applications, but the R programming environment is also well suited for exploratory data research—data mining and analytics

Reserve your seat now in one of the Short Courses on R, January 10-12, 2019 at the University of South Carolina to learn a new data analysis skill for the new year.

Changing With the Times

SIOP Administrative Office

Jim Rebar 0 2352 Article rating: No rating

SIOP Members Approve Bylaws Amendment

Voting members of SIOP just approved a bylaws amendment to shorten the voting timeframes for electronic votes by the Executive Board and its Emergency Action Committee (EAC). Voting closed at midnight on the morning of January 2, 2019.

The amendment was approved for a vote by the Executive Board at its September 2018 meeting and was intended to allow for a more expeditious process to help SIOP keep up with the pace of technology and decision making.

NSF Career Compass Challenge Deadline Extended

SIOP Administrative Office

Jim Rebar 0 2502 Article rating: No rating

Agency Offering $100,000 for Workforce Self-Development Tools

The National Science Foundation has extended the deadline for part 1 of its Career Compass Challenge to 11:59 pm ET on January 7, 2019.

The NSF recognizes that, “The future of work is one of continuous change, which depends on a culture of continuous learning.” Therefore, the challenge is intended to develop tools allowing employees to match their skills and interests to work opportunities, and to train for those opportunities, as part of the NSF’s effort to help modernize the American workforce.
