Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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Call for Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management cases

Anonym 0 2368 Article rating: 5.0

Call for Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management cases for the 2020 North American Case Research Association (NACRA) annual meeting. The submission deadline is June 15, 2020, and the website for the conference and call for proposals may be found here (

NACRA is an excellent conference for case writers. Case writers whom cases are selected will participate in the conference, receiving tailored feedback through NACRA’s distinctive round-table setting. For new case writers, NACRA offers a “start-up” workshop, where first-time case authors can present 2-page early cases for an in-depth discussion on how to shape their research into a full case and instructor’s manual. Traditionally, conference presenters have aimed to publish their research in the publication of NACRA, the Case Research Journal. In addition, cases published in the Case Research Journal are distributed by Harvard Business Publishing, The Case Center,, and Wilfrid Laurier University.  While “NACRA” has the words “North American” in its title, know that scholars from around the world presented at the just-concluded 2019 conference, and there were special awards given for cases written in French, Spanish and Chinese.

Perceived Nosiness at Work

Anonym 0 2442 Article rating: No rating

Charlotte Holden and Richard Currie, doctoral students under the direction of Dr. Mark Ehrhart, are conducting a research study on perceptions of nosiness in the workplace. We are recruiting individuals to complete a short survey that should take under 10 minutes to complete. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw from the survey at any time. You are eligible to participate if you:

Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy Request for Comment

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The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is seeking public comments on a draft set of desirable characteristics of data repositories used to locate, manage, share, and use data resulting from federally funded research. 

Comments should be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on March 6, 2020

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is issuing this RFC on behalf of the multi-agency Subcommittee on Open Science (SOS) of the National Science and Technology Council’s Committee on Science. Read the full text of the request for comment here.

$25,000 award for professors who inspired former students to make a significant difference in their communities

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ATLANTA, GA – January 22, 2020 – Since 2010, the Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award Trust has awarded $2.5 million to 104 professors from throughout the United States; each nominated by a former student or students. The Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Trust Award honors current or former academic faculty who, as teachers, inspired a student to establish an organization which demonstrated a significant benefit on a community at large or inspired a student to establish a concept, procedure, or movement of comparable benefit to a community. Every Beckman Award winner receive a one-time cash award of $25,000 and recognition during an award ceremony in Fall 2020 in Atlanta, GA. Nominations are made by a former student(s) as a means to honor the academic faculty member who inspired that student’s work. Preference is given to educators who teach or who taught in the fields of psychology, medicine, or law.

Register Now for the 3rd Annual SIOP Machine Learning Competition!

Anonym 0 4255 Article rating: 3.3

​Last year an estimated 450 people participated in the epic 2019 SIOP ML competition. The winning teams emerged as Walmart, BGSU, Michigan State, and USAA.

This year is a fresh start and a fresh chance for teams to compete and change our field for the better. The goal of this year’s competition is creating and tuning AI systems for both fairness and utility in hiring.
