Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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The National Science Foundation Needs YOUR Help!

Anonym 0 3482 Article rating: No rating

Give Your Input on the Top Entries by June 26, 2019

The NSF 2026 Idea Machine is a competition that gives an opportunity for researchers, the public, and other interested stakeholders to contribute to NSF's mission to support basic research and enable new discoveries that drive the U.S. economy, enhance national security, and advance knowledge to sustain the country's global leadership in science and engineering.

Time Is Running Out!

Anonym 0 3531 Article rating: 1.0

The end of the year is near! The fiscal year ends June 30 and begins again on July 1. With the new 2019-2020 membership year approaching, it’s time to renew your dues.

It’s important to renew your membership for opportunities that SIOP has to offer. SIOP membership provides networking and professional development opportunities that are only available to our members. Access our database of fellow members, publish your research, and use our I-O Job Network service to match with leading employers seeking qualified candidates in the I-O field.

Call for Nominations

Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award

Anonym 0 3128 Article rating: No rating

$4,000 to recognize a significant career of contributions of a psychologist who is an exceptional teacher of psychology.

This award recognizes a significant career of contributions of a psychologist who has a proven track record as an exceptional teacher of psychology. The awardee receives a plaque, a $4,000 award and an all-expense paid round trip to the APA Annual Convention, where the award is presented. Awardees are also invited to give a special address.

$15,000 to Support the Investigation of How Personality, Culture and Environment Influence Work Behavior and Health

The Bruce and Jane Walsh Grant in Memory of John Holland

Jim Rebar 0 2888 Article rating: No rating

The Bruce and Jane Walsh Grant in Memory of John Holland supports scientific, scholarly or applied research and/or educational activities investigating how personality, culture and environment influence work behavior and health (mental and physical).

Preference will be given to early career psychologists (ten years or less postdoctoral), and pilot projects that, if successful, would be strong candidates for support from major federal and foundation funding agencies, and "demonstration projects" that promise to generalize broadly to similar settings in other geographical areas and/or to other settings.
