Calls and Announcements

Calls and Announcements

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SIOP Launches Advocacy Initiative on Veterans Transition

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In honor of Veterans Day, SIOP is proud to announce a new initiative that applies I-O evidence-based research to the transition of service members to the civilian workforce.

This effort is a collaboration between Lewis-Burke Associates LLC and the Government Relations Advocacy Team (GREAT) at SIOP. Lewis-Burke will spearhead the government relations outreach, connect with key policymakers, and seek opportunities to profile I-O findings to federal stakeholders interested in veterans’ transition. These efforts will be in close collaboration with an expert SIOP team led by Adam Kabins that includes Meredith Kleykamp, Julia Bayless, Peter Reiley, and Chris Stone. The team will coordinate SIOP efforts and I-O research and practice findings relevant to the transition of veterans to the workplace; they will provide timely feedback and expertise to Lewis-Burke on pressing federal issues as they arise.