Recently, I've been spending time in the Facebook group for the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA, Division 2). It's an incredible resource for anyone teaching psychology at the high school or university level. On a given day, you'll find instructors discussing test feedback, sharing tips for online teaching, posting sample assignments for research methods, and about a million other things. In my short time in this group, I've learned three things about its members:

First, they're open, generous, and grateful. Sometimes, it can feel like the internet is a desert of rudeness, pointless arguments, and trolling. The STP Facebook group is truly an oasis of kindness, generosity, and colleagiality. No one is shy about asking for help and everyone is willing to share their experiences and resources to lend a hand.

Second, they care about their students and their topic. To a person, everyone I've encountered in the group seems to have a genuine interest in helping their students learn about the field of psychology, including I-O psychology.

Third, they're very, very busy. Even under the best of circumstances, a teacher's life is a busy one. In the current environment, with almost everyone struggling to adapt their instruction to a volatile COVID-19 nightmarescape, the pace of change is even more brutal.

We all know the dangers of making inferences based on small samples, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the 14,000+ members of the STP Facebook Group fairly represent psychology instructors as a whole: They're open to new ideas and resources, they want to provide the best possible instruction to their students, and they're dealing with an onslaught of new information all the time.

With that in mind, GIT SIOP has made the Educators' Resource Page easier to find, easier to remember, and easier to share. To reach the page, just go to Please share the new URL in-person and in your social media channels.(And if you haven't seen the page yourself, you should really check it out. The Education and Training Committee has created a goldmine of resources for psychology educators.)

What is GIT? Check out our first blog post explaining who we are!

Do you have ideas for how SIOP members can be involved with GIT’s efforts? We'd love to hear them. This blog is maintained by Ben Butina.

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