SIOP Fellowship

SIOP Fellowship

To nominate a Fellow please review the criteria and click on the button below to begin your nomination.  For any questions regarding eligibility, please contact Heather Flattery at

Discover the 2024 class of SIOP Fellows, esteemed professionals in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. 

Fellowship in SIOP

History of Fellowship in SIOP

The history of SIOP Fellowship is closely tied to the history of Fellowship in APA. Fellow, as a category of membership for APA, did not exist until 1946 when a “new” APA was formed with the merger of the American Association of Applied Psychology (AAAP) and the American Psychological Association. All APA Members and AAAP Fellows were made Charter Fellows of the new APA.

By 1951, the growth of APA resulted in the establishment of an APA Membership Committee, and in 1951–52 Division 14, along with the other 18 divisions at the time, adopted Uniform Fellowship Requirements. A psychologist first became a member in APA, and then joined a division, which handled Fellowship. In 1958, APA established three categories of membership: Associate for those with master’s and other degrees, Member for those holding doctoral degrees, and Fellow for those most distinguished members; APA established standards for Fellow status.

Although SIOP has many members who are not affiliated with APA, the Society follows the Fellowship procedures of APA; newly elected SIOP Fellows may request that SIOP recommend them for APA Fellow status if they are APA Members—only APA Members may be APA Fellows. Likewise, only APS Members may be Fellows of APS, and newly elected SIOP Fellows may request that their nominator submit materials for consideration as Fellows in APS.

SIOP (originally as Division 14) has had a Fellowship Committee since at least the mid-1960s. The committee is made up of SIOP Fellows and is charged with annually administering the Fellowship process. Any SIOP Member or Fellow may nominate another Member for Fellow status; nominations are evaluated by the Fellowship Committee with recommendations sent to the SIOP Executive Board. New SIOP Fellows are announced at the Annual Conference of the Society in the spring of each year. At the founding of SIOP in 1982, 252 of the 2,219 SIOP Members were SIOP (and APA) Fellows. 

Visit the Historical List of Fellows Page

SIOP Fellowship Today

SIOP recognizes that outstanding contributions to the profession may come from all areas of I-O psychology and represent the range of practice, research, teaching, administration, and service in the variety of settings in which industrial-organizational psychologists work.

The breadth of these achievements in psychology applies equally to contributions in I-O psychology well beyond research and publications. Examples of citations of contributions and impact of some recent SIOP Fellows include:

  • … is one of the leading scholars in the area of work teams and the impact of culture in work contexts. Her work has produced 52 refereed journal articles, 22 book chapters, and two influential books, and has been cited more than 15,000 times, placing her in the top 1% globally in economics and business.  
  • A consummate practitioner–scientist, she is the “go to” expert on global survey issues. Her cross-cultural work has shed new light on the importance of employee attitudes on business outcomes, including customer satisfaction. She holds the most influential position in attitude survey work in a global organization today.
  • … the foremost expert on the antecedents and consequences of organizational commitment. His ground breaking research, which has been cited over 2,500 times, reflects a rare interplay between cogent theoretical development and rigorous empirical research. In addition, his measures of organizational commitment are used by scholars worldwide.  
  • … has significantly advanced the practice of I-O psychology through his presidency of the Metropolitan New York Association of Applied Psychology, editorship of SIOP’s “The 21st Century Executive: Innovative Practices of Building Leadership at the Top,” co-chairing the first SIOP Leading Edge Consortium on Executive Leadership, workshops conducted for SIOP, and his selection and development programs for blue-chip companies in the U.S.

Please visit the Membership Directory and search by member type to find a list of currently active Fellows and Retired Fellows.

Note: Login is required to access the membership directory and 'currently active' means dues have been paid.

The Process of Becoming a Fellow

Election to Fellow status today takes place through the Fellowship Committee. The composition of the committee is designed to reflect the various activities and employment settings of SIOP members. The committee members evaluate nominations based on the materials received and make recommendations to the Executive Board for consideration at its Winter meeting. The SIOP Executive Board reviews the information provided by the Fellowship Committee and votes whether to accept the recommendations.

After the Executive Board Meeting, the Fellowship Committee Chair informs the Nominees through their Nominators of the Executive Board’s decision.

Members of the Fellowship Committee


  • Louis Tay, Chair

  • Mindy Shoss, Chair-in-Training

  • Silvia Bonaccio

  • Allison S. Gabriel

  • Bill Macey

  • Patrick F. McKay

  • Lorin Mueller

  • Liberty Munson

  • Marc Sokol

If you have any questions, please contact Committee Chair, Louis Tay, at


SIOP Fellowship Committee Process Guidelines

The SIOP Fellowship Committee is committed to ensuring that nominations received for SIOP Fellow are processed, reviewed, and evaluated in a fair, unbiased, and consistent manner. To further facilitate the integrity of this process, the SIOP Executive Board has adopted the following guidelines, which the Committee Chair and members have the responsibility to review and follow.


Prior to conducting reviews of nominees each year, the committee members will hold a conference call in which they discuss matters of process and standards for evaluating dossiers. This call will include the Chair as well as both incoming and continuing committee members. The goal of this call will be to ensure common understanding and interpretation of the standards for evaluation of nominees. Prior to the call, all participants should review the section titled Illustrative Contributions to the Field of I-O Psychology posted below.

Prior to the evaluation of nominees, committee members must review the list of all nominees and disclose to the Committee Chair any potential conflicts of interest (COI) following the COI rules available at Conflict of Interest Rules for SIOP Fellowship Process below. If committee members have doubts about potential COI situations, they should contact the Committee Chair for clarification. In the event the Chair has a potential conflict, she or he will disclose the conflict to the Associate Chair and/or Chair-in-Training (CiT). If the Chair recuses herself/himself, the Associate Chair or CiT will serve as acting Chair for evaluation of the nominee in question.

Prior to evaluation of nominees, the committee Chair will contact all nominators to provide the list of committee members and the COI rules. Nominators should identify to the Committee Chair any potential COIs. In the event that the Chair is notified that there is a potential COI, the Chair will determine whether a COI exists and whether the relevant committee member should be recused from evaluating the nominee.


Only information that is included in the submitted material or is publicly available should be used to evaluate nominees. Individual committee members should not contribute information known only to them in the discussion of nominees. Information for consideration should be from the nomination packet and particular emphasis should be put on the content of endorsement letters.  It is important to recognize that the quality and content of endorsement letters is more important than the number of letters.

Conflict of Interest Rules for the SIOP Fellowship Process

SIOP administers the Fellowship nomination, review, and determination through the Fellowship Committee. The SIOP Fellowship Committee is committed to ensuring that the process is administered in a fair, unbiased, and consistent manner. To facilitate the integrity of the Fellowship process, the following rules have been developed for identifying and disclosing potential conflicts of interest for SIOP Fellows who serve on the Fellowship Committee. The overall goal of these guidelines is to ensure that there are no actual or perceived conflicts of interest that may bias or be perceived to bias the review of nominations and/or the election of Fellows.

SIOP Fellowship Committee members have the responsibility to review the guidelines below and disclose these, or other similar situations, to the SIOP Fellowship Committee Chair. As noted below, in some situations committee members may be required to recuse themselves from participating in the Fellowship process for certain nominees. Other situations may require further review by the SIOP Fellowship Committee Chair, and possibly other SIOP officials, to determine whether any action is necessary beyond disclosure.

DISCLOSE AND RECUSE. A Fellowship Committee member must disclose and recuse him/herself from discussing or rating a nominee in a given year if the member:

  1. Has a family or close personal relationship (e.g., spouse, child, sibling, parent, partner) with the nominee
  2. Chaired or served on the nominee’s dissertation or thesis committee
  3. Had a dissertation or thesis that was chaired by the nominee or the nominee served on the member’s dissertation or thesis committee
  4. Is a business partner of the nominee
  5. Nominated the nominee
  6. Wrote an endorsement letter for the nominee

DISCLOSE AND DECIDE. A Fellowship Committee member must disclose and notify the Fellowship Committee Chair, who will decide whether the member should recuse her/himself from discussing or rating a nominee if the member:

  1. Was asked to write an endorsement letter for the nominee and refused
  2. Attended graduate school at the same time with the nominee at same university
  3. Has ever worked with or collaborated with the nominee in the past
  4. Has ever published with or collaborated with the nominee
  5. Is applying for a job at the nominee’s company or university
  6. Works for the same employer or university as the nominee
  7. The member or the member’s employer received and retained an honorarium or financial compensation from the nominee’s organization within the last 12 months
  8. Reports directly to the nominee in a supervisory or managerial role
  9. Has any other relationship that could feasibly impair or appear to impair the Committee member’s objectivity in discussing and rating a nominee


  1. In the event that the Fellowship Committee or the Chair is notified that there is a potential COI, the Fellowship Committee Chair will decide whether there is a COI and whether the committee member should be recused.
  2. In staffing the Fellowship Committee, the Chair should bear in mind that the committee membership should be diverse, with members from various organizations/universities, backgrounds, demographics, work roles, etc.

Criteria for Fellowship in SIOP

Eligibility for Fellow

  • Must be a current Society Member (see SIOP by-laws, Article II: Membership) at the time of nomination and for the previous 2 years and have accumulated 10 years of professional membership in SIOP, inclusive of the year in which the candidate is nominated.  For example, current Members who joined or upgraded to professional membership status no later than 2013, and have accumulated 10 years of professional membership by maintaining their membership since 2013, would be eligible to be nominated no earlier than 2022, at which point they would have the required 10 years of accumulated professional membership.  However, nominators are urged to consider whether the potential nominee has made substantial contributions to the field in those 10 years.
  • Must demonstrate evidence that the individual’s contributions have had meaningful, sustained, and unusual impact on the field of industrial and organizational psychology.  
  • Must be nominated by another Society Member or Fellow. Self-nomination is not permitted
  • Not currently under investigation, nor in the past been found formally responsible for, misconduct prohibited by the SIOP Anti-Harassment Policy

Criteria for Fellowship in SIOP

Although the bylaws of SIOP provide a framework, it is important to emphasize that no single criterion, benchmark, or index is sufficient for evaluation of nominees for Fellowship. The Fellow selection process is not a mechanical one of adding up points or indexes—it is a judgment of the Fellowship Committee and the Executive Board of SIOP based on all the evidence presented.

Outstanding contributions must be known to other members of the Society, however that recognition may have been achieved. Refereed publications have been a traditional method of becoming known and having impact—and may still be the deciding factor in the case of research-based nominations—but many other avenues are available today for one’s work to become widely known and have impact. The various elements of the nomination process (resume/CV, nominee self-statement, endorsement letters) are designed to specify the Nominee’s contributions and to demonstrate the impact.

The particular nomination and the primary area of impact of the Nominee will determine the appropriate evidence.  Many Nominees will have made contributions in more than one area, and the nomination materials should reflect that.

Here are general examples that illustrate the different types of impact and evidence:

Research-based nominations are typically supported by widely read, refereed publications that have defined new areas of research and theory or have significantly shaped the research and knowledge base in an area.  Although number of citations is important, there must be some explanation of how the publications have impacted thinking or practice in I-O psychology.

Practice-based nominations are more likely to include applications of I-O psychology and innovations, methods, or best practices that have influenced large numbers of other I-O practitioners or organizations and the people in them. Practice contributions in this area are more convincing when supported by evidence of widespread use and effectiveness within and across organizations; their use may also have generated analysis and research. The contributions may be widely known through publications in organizations or trade associations, or publications in related areas, newspapers and business press outlets and HR outlets, participation in SIOP workshops or programs, and in book chapters or books addressing a broader audience; research reports and endorsements by individuals in organizations familiar with these contributions should document how the contributions have had impact and the extent of that impact.  Note that practice contributions are often constrained from dissemination by organizational policies, litigation issues, or intellectual property concerns; accordingly, nominators and endorsers are encouraged to provide adequate evidence and details of underlying research and effectiveness of interventions.

Teaching or Education-based nominations will likely focus on such indicators as numbers of graduate students and their prominence, development of widely used teaching materials or textbooks, development of innovative teaching methods, or administrative positions in education that have provided widespread opportunities for advancing I-O psychology through education and educational activities.

Service-based nominations may use impact evidence such as offices held in SIOP, APA, and other organizations that share SIOP’s mission and values; writings, programs, workshops, practices, and innovations that have helped SIOP maintain and develop a collegial, inclusive community with high levels of member involvement; and actively advocating to advance I-O psychology's impact and image in society.

Administration-based nominations that take administration and/or management as their primary impact will demonstrate that the Nominee has held significant administrative positions in national organizations that have impacted the field of I-O psychology in important ways.  Such positions may include organizations that specifically provide I-O-related products to their clients on a national or international level; they may employ/and or educate large numbers of I-O psychologists; or the incumbents in such position may have responsibility for I-O related functions in large, influential organizations.  It is important that these contributions detail what the impact has been and how it relates to the larger field of I-O psychology.

Illustrative Contributions to the Field of I-O Psychology

The evidence for SIOP Fellowship must show in total that the individual nominated has enriched or advanced the field on a scale well beyond that of being a good researcher, practitioner, teacher, or supervisor. Not only must the contributions be outstanding, it must also have had an impact that is recognized broadly in the U.S. and/or internationally and across a range of audiences and stakeholder groups.

The following illustrate some of the appropriate contributions and example indicators of impact. This list is intended to be representative, rather than exhaustive or definitive, and the examples cut across all areas of contribution: (a) research, (b) practice, (c) teaching, (d) service, and (e) administration. Any one nominee’s experience may span several of the categories below. This document is not designed to serve as a “checklist;” a purely tally-based summary of a nominee’s experiences relative to the list would not in itself suffice to support a nomination.

Though the list below identifies representative types of experience associated with high positive impact on the field of I-O psychology, a substantial degree of further detail should be provided within the nomination materials. The nominator is responsible for additional quantitative and qualitative information to enable the Fellowship Committee to knowledgeably and accurately evaluate a nominee’s contributions (e.g., specific instances, timeframes, and metrics of impact).

Innovations in Science and Practice

  • Generated innovations in practice, theory, and/or research that had a notable and documented impact on I-O psychology and its primary stakeholders
  • Introduced innovative research and/or practical concepts that have substantially changed the course of stakeholders' actions and efforts
  • Developed programmatic research, meaningfully and consistently advancing critical knowledge domains within I-O psychology
  • Developed psychological assessment(s) and/or selection test(s) that have been widely used throughout an organization, industry, and/or global market (e.g., including language translations)
  • Developed training and development programs and/or attitude surveys that have been widely used throughout an organization, industry, and/or global market (e.g., including language translations)
  • Pioneered I-O psychology's adoption and implementation of advanced methodologies or technologies
  • Employed innovative teaching methods and/or practice techniques that have increased stakeholders’ understanding and application of new knowledge within and outside of the field
  • Served as principal investigator on major research grant(s) from established granting agencies (e.g., NSF, NIH, NASA) or other funding organizations

Communicating and Disseminating Information

  • Authored book chapters, journal articles, research reports, and/or whitepapers that have been widely distributed across multiple stakeholder groups for the field (e.g., as evidenced by number of citations, the h-index score, times of downloads, awards, media mention, etc.)
  • Served as expert witness, consultant, and/or advisor to courts, legislatures, and governmental bodies (including via advocacy agencies)
  • Authored publications in popular press outlets focused primarily on HR and business audiences
  • Authored or edited major books in the field, including handbooks, textbooks, and/or technical manuals
  • Presented influential audiovisual communications (e.g., webcasts, podcasts, films) that convey I-O psychology principles to various stakeholder groups
  • Presented at various workshops, panels, and symposia at professional conferences and industry meetings
  • Been interviewed by major newspapers, magazines, or other media outlets pertaining to expert opinions on I-O related topic(s)

Influencing, Teaching, and Mentoring Others

  • Conducted multidisciplinary research and practice that extends I-O psychology through information exchanges with other fields
  • Driven successful efforts to increase inclusivity, diversity, and multiculturalism of I-O psychology research and practice
  • Actively advocated to advance I-O psychology's impact and image in society
  • Delivered invited address(es) at national and/or international conferences and conventions
  • Served as chair of thesis and dissertation committees for individuals who themselves have positively influenced the field
  • Served as leadership mentor and/or coach for junior colleagues and interns throughout one’s organization
  • Received awards, prizes, and/or recognition from SIOP or other professional organizations that relate to I-O psychology or SIOP and its mission
  • Received award(s) for teaching, research, or leadership from one’s organization or a professional association

Service to SIOP and Our Field

  • Elected or appointed to various offices related to I-O psychology based on one's technical/professional competence (e.g., state psychology board)
  • Served as a reviewer for various journals, conferences, and/or other professional outlets
  • Served on editorial boards of I-O psychology outlets and related publications
  • Served on various committees, task forces, and/or boards within SIOP or related professional organizations throughout one’s career
  • Received outstanding service award(s) from SIOP, APA, or other professional associations

Leadership Role in an Organization

  • Hold, or have held, the title of head, chair, director, or dean of a department or graduate program in I-O psychology or a related field
  • Hold, or have held, a senior leadership position in an organization involved in the effective execution and practice of I-O psychology
  • Hold, or have held, a leadership position in a regional, national, or international association related to the science and practice of I-O psychology
  • Hold, or have held, a leadership position in an industry group focused on issues related to the science and practice of I-O psychology
  • Hold, or have held, editorial position(s) for journals or major book series that advance the science and/or practice of I-O psychology

Nominating a Candidate Online

Summary of Fellowship Requirements and Procedures


  • Must be a current Society Member (see SIOP by-laws, Article II: Membership). The Fellows portal opens on July, 1, 2023. As evidence of having made an unusual and outstanding contribution to industrial-organizational psychology, a candidate for Society Fellow status must have done work that is widely recognized and accepted by other members of the Society as having advanced their own thinking and practice. In order for this impact to have occurred, it is generally expected that the individual will have generated new knowledge, formulations, of programs that contribute to theory, methods, or practices relevant to industrial-organizational psychology, and that these contributions will have been set forth in publications generally available to the profession or otherwise widely communicated through means such as participation in the programs and meetings of professional groups or associations. 
  • Society Fellows shall at the time of their election to Society Fellow status have been Society Members for no less than two years. Society Fellows who are also members of the APA, APS, CPA, or EAWOP may seek Fellowship status in those organizations, but such Society Fellows must also be approved by those organizations for Fellowship status. Society Fellows who have not also been approved for Fellowship status in the APA, APS, CPA, or EAWOP applied for on the basis of their SIOP membership may only refer to themselves as being Fellows of SIOP but not of these other associations.
  • Society Fellows shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of the Society without restriction.
  • Must be nominated by another Society Member or Fellow. Self-nomination is not permitted.


Nomination Process

  • Nominator must properly complete Fellowship nomination materials and upload them to the Fellows Online Nomination Portal
  • Nominator identifies three (3) Endorsers. At least two (2) of the Endorsers/Nominator must be SIOP Fellows who are currently paid (search the Membership Directory to find eligible endorsers.). One (1) of the Endorsers may be a non-Member of SIOP if the Endorser offers a unique and critical perspective on the Nominee’s contributions to the field I-O psychology. Otherwise, all Endorsers must be current paid Society Members of SIOP. (Note: If an Endorser’s name cannot be located in the SIOP Membership Directory, that Society Member’s dues may not be current.)  
  • Evaluation is made by the SIOP Fellowship Committee, which makes recommendations to the SIOP Executive Board. The Executive Board makes final decisions on Fellowship status. The announcement of new Fellows each year is made at the SIOP Annual Conference and in TIP.  
  • Examples of the range of practice, research, teaching, administration, and service can be found at Illustrative Contributions to the Field of I-O Psychology and by reading the citations for recent SIOP Fellows



  • Must be a Society Member but not necessarily a Fellow.  
  • Must upload Nominee's self-statement and Curriculum Vitae.  
  • Must upload the endorsement letters from three Fellow Endorsers.  
  • May also be an Endorser of the nominee. In this case, Nominator prepares a letter of nomination that explicitly includes a personal endorsement. No separate endorsement will be submitted, but in this case, the Nominator also counts as one of the three (3) Endorsers. The Nominator may be one of the required two (2) SIOP Fellows who endorse the nominee.  
  • Must complete the uploading of all nomination materials to the SIOP Fellows Online Nomination Program by the deadline date.

After identifying a nominee for Fellow status, the Nominator coordinates the gathering of Nomination materials. This role is critical in the nomination process; the Fellowship Committee depends on the Nominator to assure that all materials

Timetable for Fellow Nomination

  • Early July-The SIOP Fellowship Online Nomination Program opens. Nominators identify Nominees and verify that they meet eligibility criteria. Nominators obtain the self-statement from the Nominees.

  • August/September-The Nominator should contact Endorsers to request their endorsement. The Nominator should receive the Endorsement Letters before the October 1 deadline. Please share the instructions for endorsers found below under "The Importance of Endorsement Letters". The Nominator can require Endorsers to use the Endorser Worksheet to guide the preparation of the Endorsement Letter and submit the Endorser Worksheet to the Nominator.

  •  By October 1 (NOTE: Submission DUE DATE HAS CHANGED)-Nominators are responsible for uploading all nomination materials from the Nominee and the Endorsers using the SIOP Fellows Online Nomination Program. (Note: Nominators may also be Endorsers of the Nominee). No nomination materials will be accepted after midnight ET, October 1.


  • October - December–Fellowship Committee evaluates Nominations and recommends action to SIOP Executive Board.

  • January/February–SIOP Executive Board acts on Fellow recommendations at its winter meeting; Nominators are notified of results. If the newly elected SIOP Fellow would like to apply for APA Fellow, it is their responsibility to apply online with APA. Please go to the Fellows page on the APA web site to review the application criteria and timeline.

  • February–Materials are filed with APS for those newly elected SIOP Fellows who have also completed appropriate materials and have asked to be considered for Fellow status in APS. The SIOP Administrative Office will send in the application materials in advance of the Spring review. APS Fellow Nomination information can be found here.

  • April/May–New SIOP Fellows are announced at the Opening Plenary Session of the SIOP Annual Conference and in TIP.

Nomination Materials

The Nominator submits all of the following materials to the SIOP portal.

  • Nominee’s Resume/Curriculum Vitae: This document is prepared by the Nominee; publications follow APA format, and an “R” must appear in the left margin next to each refereed publication.
  • Nominee 1-page Standalone Bio. 
  • SIOP Fellow Nominee’s (3-page max) Self-Statement: Completed by the Nominee, this statement sets forth the accomplishments and their impact on I-O psychology that the Nominee believes justify election as Fellow. This document should supplement the 1-page standalone bio and serve as an extension (not repeat any of the information in the bio). The Nominee may be in the best position to help the Fellowship Committee understand in detail his or her work and its impact. 
    •  A common mistake is that self-statements fail to explain the work and the breadth of its impact in the detail required by the Fellowship Committee to properly evaluate the nomination. 
    • The Nominee must attest to the following statement: "I am not currently under investigation, nor in the past have I been found formally responsible for, misconduct prohibited by the SIOP Anti-Harassment Policy.” 
  • 1 Nomination Letter (2-page max): The Nominator must upload a nomination letter. Good nomination letters layout the general theme of the case for the Nominee’s election. 
  • 3 Endorsement Letters (2-page max). 
    • Two (2) Endorsers must be SIOP Fellows 
    • One (1) of the Endorsers need not be a Society Member if that Endorser offers a unique and critical perspective on the Nominee’s contributions to the field I-O psychology. 
  • Endorser List: The Nominator must submit a form listing each Endorser with their email and SIOP membership status.

Instructions to Nominate a Candidate


  • Sample Endorser email text to inform possible endorsers.  
  • Fellow nominations are submitted by the Nominator using the SIOP Fellows Online Nomination Portal.
  • To initiate a nomination, the Nominator signs onto the SIOP Fellows Online Nomination Program using his/her SIOP username and password.  
  • Nominator identifies three (3) Endorsers. Two (2) Endorsers must be SIOP Fellows. If the nominator feels that a person who is not a SIOP member can offer a strong endorsement of the nominee by providing unique insights into the nominee’s outstanding or unusual contribution to the field of I-O psychology, then at the nominator’s discretion, one (1) of the non-Fellow endorsers does not have to be a SIOP member. All the other non-Fellow Endorsers must be Society Members. The Endorsers are requested to send their endorsement letters to the nominator. 
  • The Nominator uploads all letters and forms, including the Nominee’s self-statement and CV. Endorsers must submit endorsement letters to the Nominator. Uploaded documents may be MS Word or PDF formats.

For technical problems during the nomination process, please contact Scott Case via email at or by phone at (419) 353-0032.

Requirements and Duties

Duties of the Nominator, Nominee, and Endorser

Once the Nominator and Nominee agree that the Nominee meets the basic criteria (see Eligibility information above) and decide to proceed with the nomination, it is the Nominator’s responsibility to ensure that all forms are properly completed and submitted on time through the online system. 

Nominator Duties 

  • Nominators must identify three (3) Endorsers and ask for their support of the Nominee. At least two (2) of the Endorsers must be SIOP Fellows (a historical list of Fellows can be found here). To confirm they are active (dues paid), please login and check the Membership Directory. 
  • The Nominator requests each Endorser to generate an Endorsement Letter. Ordinarily, the Nominator serves as the point of contact; the Nominee does not contact the Endorsers. The Nominator is responsible for uploading ALL of the materials to the portal. The nominator generates a 2-page max nomination letter.

Nominee Duties 

  • Nominees must submit (1) a 1-page standalone bio, (2) a 3-page self-statement that describes their outstanding contributions to the field of I-O psychology and (3) a curriculum vitae/resume to the Nominator; the publication list must follow APA format and must have an R in the left margin indicating refereed publications. 

Endorser Duties 

  • Endorsers must submit their 2-page max Endorsement Letters to the Nominator. Please see the section on the importance of endorsement letters for guidance.

Recommendations for Nominators of SIOP Fellow Candidates

  • Only nominate individuals who you are fully convinced are deserving of the designation of fellow. Because nomination does not guarantee fellowship, you are strongly encouraged to have a discussion with the nominee regarding a possible negative outcome. Individuals receive such information in different ways, and it is important that the nominee understand and acknowledge the possibility of a negative outcome. Though receiving such news is disappointing, it can be even more damaging to an individual’s self-appraisal if not discussed at the outset of the process. If the individual indicates concerns about receiving a negative outcome, serious consideration should be given as to whether the nomination should be initiated. 
  • In evaluating someone to nominate, you might first consider what a summary of that person’s contributions (such as those that appear in “SIOP Salutes” would say. If you cannot envision that statement, perhaps you do not know the individual well enough or the person is not yet ready to be nominated.

Recommendations for Endorsers of SIOP Fellow Candidates

  • Consider carefully before you agree to become an endorser.  Do you know the nominee and his/her work sufficiently well to provide the fellowship committee with information regarding the individual’s important contributions to the field of I-O psychology?  If you find that you must read the nominee’s self-statement to become aware of her/his work, you may not be the best endorser for that person.  Having met someone at a SIOP Conference may not be enough. Have you read any of the nominee’s publications; have you worked with the nominee on projects, siop committees, or served with him/her in other organizations?  Can you independently from your own observations and experience describe the nominee’s outstanding work and sustained impact on the field of I-O?
  • Recognize that preparing an effective endorsement letter will require substantial effort on your part.  evaluate that commitment before agreeing to take on multiple endorsement letters to ensure that you can provide an appropriate level of effort and the high quality needed to make a compelling case to the fellowship committee.
  • Present unusual and outstanding contributions to I-O psychology, accomplishments, innovations, and evidence of impact. describe activities that can be clearly and convincingly documented. simply pointing to documentation that reflects presence of a name on a roster or in a list of authors is not sufficiently convincing. explain the impact of the contribution. completing tasks that are basic parts of one’s job is unlikely to be sufficient to qualify for fellowship.  
    • The nominee must have done work that is widely recognized and accepted by other members of the society as having advanced their own thinking and practice. in order for this impact to have occurred, it is generally expected that the nominee will have generated new knowledge, formulations, or programs that contribute to theory, methods, or practices relevant to I-O psychology and that these contributions will have been set forth in publications generally available to the profession or otherwise widely communicated through means such as participation in the programs and meetings of professional groups or associations. For some illustrative contributions, please see illustrative contributions to the field of I-O psychology.  
    • How has the individual advanced the field of I-O psychology beyond the person’s individual career?
  • Academics are supposed to teach and publish papers—that is part of their jobs. tell the committee why their teaching has been particularly noteworthy or how their papers have changed the theory or practice of I-O psychology.
  • For those practicing in business, government, consulting, or the military services, what has been the importance and impact of their work? if someone has had an influential administrative position, what did he or she achieve that was particularly noteworthy for I-O psychology in that role?  
  • Ensure that the narrative information provided in your letter is consistent with the quantitative evaluations provided on the endorsers form. Avoid cases in which the letter suggests uniformly positive and strong statements of endorsement, but the quantitative evaluation is more equivocal (or vice versa).


The Importance of Endorsement Letters

Endorsement letters are critically important in the evaluation process. The following from the APA manual for nominating fellows applies also to SIOP:

The (APA) committee then, and today, found meaningful evaluations by sponsors or endorsers to be the most helpful type of evidence in the evaluation of nominees. The adequacy of the endorsement has been of critical value in evaluating those who are advancing psychology as a profession. What was true in the 1950s is equally true at present.

Many, perhaps most, decisions are substantially influenced by the endorsement letters. the fellowship committee considers carefully not only the text of an endorsement letter but also the stature of the endorser and the endorser’s status relative to the nominee.

Endorsements are always important, but they may be especially important when practice, teaching, service, or administration is a primary area of contribution and research publications are not the primary evidences of the impact of the nominee. When publications and other sources of information are limited, there should be a more diverse set of endorsements that document the outstanding contributions of the nominee.

Detailed evidence from endorsers as to the exact nature of the nominee’s contributions is critical. it is not enough to know that the nominee was instrumental in establishing the “x” center for excellence in “y” city. Instead, endorsers should describe what role the nominee played in establishing the center of excellence and how the nominee’s role resulted in a significant contribution to the field of I-O psychology.

General Guidelines for Strong Letters of Endorsement

The entire fellow nomination process is designed to communicate to the fellowship committee how the nominee has contributed to i-o psychology. Strong endorsement letters convincingly demonstrate the impact that the nominee has had and provide evidence that the contributions have indeed occurred.

A set of endorsers who are all from the nominee’s immediate organization, department, or agency, or who are colleagues with whom the nominee has worked closely, is not usually convincing and suggests limited impact. A more diverse set of endorsers is likely to be more impressive; letters may be written by other psychologists, executives, or individuals in the SIOP constituency most familiar with the contributions that has had such impact. Family members and relatives of the nominee (e.g., parents, grandparents, siblings, and spouse) do not ordinarily serve as endorsers or nominators, and such endorsements are not generally seen as objective.

An example of an endorsement that requires additional elaboration is “dr. x is obviously qualified; he should have been a fellow years ago,” or “I was surprised that dr. y was not already a fellow.” although eminent fellows sometimes provide such endorsements, they do not help the nominee or the committee unless they back up their statements. Some endorsers state that the nominee has had impact without presenting meaningful evidence for the statement. Such an assertion is ineffective without evidence.

For an endorsement to be effective, it must specify how the contribution has impacted I-O psychology and what the nominee’s role has been. That “book x appears in every business library” may be notable, but the endorsement should specify what impact that has had on I-O psychology and its mission. That “article y has been cited 200 times” is not in itself convincing; has the article simply been cited, or has its content impacted I-O psychology? that “the nominee had a major role in project m” is not in itself convincing; what was the nominee’s role and how has the work made impact?

Tips for Strong Letters of Endorsement for Practitioners

It is important to recognize that SIOP Fellowship is an honor that is bestowed on individuals for outstanding contributions to the field of I-O psychology. The individual’s contributions must have had meaningful and sustained impact on our discipline. Many individuals will have successful careers in psychology or have made significant contributions to their employers. The contributions of SIOP Fellows go beyond fulfilling one’s duties or impacting a given employer but rather influence the entire field of I-O psychology.

As you craft the letter of endorsement for your nominee, understand that the SIOP fellowship committee will be reading endorsement letters for many nominees who have had impressive careers. It is important that you communicate clearly and concretely the contributions of your nominee and present strong evidence that the nominee played a key role in the accomplishment of those contributions. Your opinions are not nearly as convincing as direct evidence of stellar contributions.

Structure of your Endorsement Letter

  • The opening paragraph should strongly and clearly endorse the nominee. provide a few summary statements of the major contributions of your nominee.
  • Specify your relationship with the nominee. that is, how do you know the nominee (e.g., your manager, your direct report, a colleague, someone you have worked with on various projects)?
  • Include four to six paragraphs detailing the specific contributions the nominee has made to the field of I-O psychology.
    • Provide clear examples of those contributions and how they have impacted the field and their professional colleagues.
    • Again, it is vital to focus on how the nominee contributed to the field of i-o psychology, not only to the success of their organization. what specific interventions, programs, assessments, tests, activities, intellectual property, and so on did the nominee develop and share with the wider professional community?
    • Please note that detailing the nominee’s rise up the organization’s ranks (e.g., from internal consultant to director to vice president) says little about his or her contributions to the field, and reviewers cannot read between the lines and fill in the blanks.
    • Highlight how this individual contributed to or served SIOP (e.g., committee membership, program reviewer, workshop facilitator, conference presenter, etc.).
    • Although the nominee might not have published in scholarly journals, highlight contributions to trade associations, important whitepapers and technical reports, interviews in business outlets (e.g., Business Week, Fortune, Wall Street Journal), in addition to publications in practitioner or professional journals. Identify whether the nominee has written or edited a widely read book in human resources or talent management.
    • Be specific and concrete. when possible, include metrics, facts, or other objective data to support your statements. They are much more persuasive than your opinions, beliefs, or personal views.
  • The closing paragraph should summarize the key reason(s) why this nominee merits consideration to become a SIOP Fellow.

Additional Points to Consider

  • Your endorsement should be clear and direct. It should be based on facts rather than opinions and specific contributions rather than general accolades.
  • Remember all nominees will have strong backgrounds, and most will possess glowing letters of endorsement. why does your nominee merit fellow status? The more cogent story you can tell about this individual, the higher the likelihood the committee will understand why you believe he or she should become a fellow.
  • Although you should not repeat what is stated in the nominee’s vita, highlight specific examples and documented contributions to the field of I-O psychology this individual has made.
  • Consider incorporating select testimonials from clients, senior-level managers, the CEO, and so forth who were impacted by the nominee’s work.
  • A brief quote to underscore a point you are making can add important emphasis to a statement.
  • Be sure to highlight any efforts the nominee has made to promote the status, image, and value of I-O psychology in the business world.
  • Be sensitive to how your letter of endorsement might sound to the reader. Ask a colleague in your office to review the letter and provide feedback and suggestions before submitting it.

Nominations for APA and APS Fellowship

Election as a SIOP Fellow does not automatically make the new SIOP Fellow an APA Fellow or APS Fellow. As a part of their SIOP Fellow applications, SIOP Fellow nominees elected as SIOP Fellows who are also members of APA and/or APS in good standing may choose to be considered also for fellowship in APA and/or APS. Note: neither APA nor APS will consider Fellow Nominees unless they are current in their dues payments.


For those SIOP Fellows who wish to be considered for APA Fellow, please review the guidelines on the APA website (e.g., prior status as an APA member for at least one year).  If a newly elected SIOP Fellow wants to be considered for Fellow status in APA, he/she initiates the APA Fellow application, using APA’s Fellows Online Application Platform. Please note that the online APA Fellows Application Platform requires three (3) of the Endorsers to be active Fellows of APA (membership dues paid in the last year).  In addition, the SIOP Fellowship Chair will use the APA Fellows Online Application Platform to upload a letter of recommendation for each newly elected SIOP Fellow who applies for APA fellowship.  The deadline for APA applications is February 8, 2022.  Once APA acts on Fellowship and notifies SIOP of its action, the SIOP Fellowship Chair notifies the Nominee.


To be considered for APS Fellowship, newly elected SIOP Fellow Nominees must inform their nominator to submit a nomination letter and two letters of support through the APS website for fellowship applications. Please note that the APS application requires that the nominator and one (1) Endorser be a Fellow of APS. If the nominator is not an APS Fellow, the newly elected SIOP Fellow should identify an APS Fellow to submit the nomination material on his/her behalf.  Deadlines for the Fall and Spring reviews are October 15 and April 1, respectively. 


Society Fellow status is not simply based on adding up how many criteria are represented in a nominee’s curriculum vitae. Similarly, recognition as a SIOP Fellow is not simply a matter of competency nor is it recognition of a steady and active career in I-O. Rather, Fellow status specifically recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions that has an important impact on I-O psychology.

The most difficult decision that the Fellowship Committee must make is whether the contributions and the evidence of impact are sufficiently outstanding to warrant Fellow status. Each nominee is considered individually; there is no quota or percentage of Fellows; The Fellowship Committee takes very seriously its obligation to make sure that outstanding SIOP members are recognized, balanced by the realization that Fellowship is a significant honor, highly valued by all members of SIOP.

Updated: April 1, 2022