Meredith Turner / Thursday, September 27, 2018 / Categories: 562 The President's Message: Membership Survey Suggestions and Related Initiatives Talya Bauer First, I want to thank 2018 SIOP Membership Survey subcommittee members Kristine Olson (Dixie State University), Holly Lam (US Foods), Jamie Perry (Cornell University), Brittany Marcus-Blank (General Mills), and Jay Dorio (Korn Ferry). As always, the SIOP Membership Survey affords us a window into our membership. Thank you to the 1,341 individuals who took the time to complete the survey. It was good to see that 91% said they planned to renew within the next year and that the overall engagement scores were 84%. The survey also indicates areas where SIOP can, and should, improve. I was heartened to see that in many of the suggestions given in the open-ended questions dovetailed with initiatives and activities we have begun throughout SIOP. Additional suggestions represent areas we must proactively address. Here, I focus on five of the top suggestions from the recent membership survey and share initiatives designed to address these specific issues. Advocacy efforts for better public understanding of what I-O and SIOP do. Since I joined SIOP in 1990, I have never seen a greater public understanding of what I-O psychology is. The US Department of Labor ranked I-O psychology as the #1 fastest growing job in 2015 (they projected 53% growth from 2012 to 2022).1 Indeed this year, The Wall Street Journal wrote in an article entitled “What will be the hot jobs of 2018?” that “Psychologists will be in demand, but growth will be fastest in industrial and organizational psychology.”2 With that said, SIOP still has a HUGE way to go before I-O psychology becomes a household name or is widely understood by the public, government, or organizations. To summarize the reaction to the 2015 article, ABC News asked “What the heck is that?”3 but the more I-O focused articles that come out, the better for public understanding. On this score, I am heartened by what three (of many) specific groups within SIOP are doing right now to increase our brand and help bring Science for a Smarter Workplace to a broader audience. SIOP’s Visibility Committee, under the leadership of Nikki Blacksmith (ARI/Blackhawke Behaviour Science) has been hard at work via events and initiatives to advocate for better understanding and visibility about what I-O and SIOP do. For example, the Visibility Committee: Generates a Top-10 Trends survey and report. These findings are disseminated to the public via reports, videos and educational materials, a social media campaign, and SIOP conference sessions Facilitates the SIOP Conversation Series ( Students and Academia subcommittee has developed a live webinar event designed to educate current and future I-O students on career options. A SIOP expert is invited to discuss their career and answer questions from aspiring I-O psychologists. The event has been growing in success with over 260 participants at the last conversation series event The Top Minds Bottom Lines event hosted by Visibility each year targets CEOs and CHROs to learn from top I-O talent. If you know CEOs or CHROs in the DC/VA/MD area you think would benefit and would like to invite for April 2019, contact Victoria Mattingly (, and she can provide a discount code so you can personally invite the non-SIOP leader The Visibility Committee is also working hard on the Veteran Bridge-Building Initiative. Visibility partners with the prosocial subcommittee and SIOP’s Government Relations Advocacy Team (GREAT) Committee headed up by Alex Alonso (SHRM) to help with advocacy efforts, build relationships with other organizations, and bring awareness to veterans transitioning projects and reintegration, and how I-O can help with that work. The GREAT committee and Lewis-Burke, our advocacy partner in DC, work throughout the year to expand policymakers’ knowledge of the evidence base around workforce issues, to influence funding for education and research involving workplace topics, and to enhance the brand of I-O psychology as the science of work. Adam Kabins (Korn Ferry Institute) leads advocacy activities around veteran hiring practices. Richard Landers (University of Minnesota) leads an advocacy team exploring the technology-enabled workforce including topics such as cybersecurity and insider threat. Specifically, these two advocacy area team leads have presented the collective evidence base on their respective areas at events sponsored by the Department of Defense, the Veterans Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security over the last 3 months. In coming months, team leads will be established for topics such as Defense & Security, Education & Training, and Healthcare & Healthcare Quality. GREAT works year round with Lewis-Burke Associates LLC on SIOP-government relations and impact. The Electronic Communications Committee led by Paul Thoresen (@surveyguy2) has been making strides to ramp up a social media presence with three new or newly resurrected twitter accounts including the @SIOP_ECC, @SIOPImpact (thank you Chris Rotolo), and @SIOPChat (thank you Tilman Sheets) accounts as well as our established @SIOPtweets handle. The committee did an amazing job in September to create awareness of the SIOP September Smarter Workplace Awareness Month. Encourage more collaboration/balance between practice and academia. In the 2018 SIOP Membership Survey, only 58% of respondents indicated favorable agreement with the statement “I believe that SIOP effectively balances the interests of practitioners and academics.” When I think about SIOP and a big part of what makes it such a special experience, it is our unique blend of those working in industry, as consultants, within government, and within academia listening to one another, learning from one another, and partnering with one another. This is gives us an enormous competitive advantage, and we are all the richer for these experiences. But part of the cost of our “big tent” within SIOP is that it is easy for those on one side of the continuum or another to feel like their needs are not being adequately met. I recently revisited a column by Joan Brannick (Brannick HR Consulting) for her Practitioners’ Forum TIP article from January 2011 entitled, “The Scientist–Practitioner Gap: What’s Next.” What I noted was that Joan asked, what are some of the most important values that practitioners and academics share? These responses resonate with me as core values and foundations for helping to shape Science for a Smarter Workplace. Responses included: A sincere desire to solve problems A desire to have organizations see their work as valuable A belief that sharing what we learn and learning from the work of others is essential to advancement of our knowledge A desire to organize and present knowledge in novel ways A desire to produce high-quality work that can positively impact both organizations and employees An interest in psychology in organizations, the core content of our field A recognition that I-O psychology is an applied field of study A recognition that the field is continually evolving and continuous learning is required We have much in common and keeping this up front in mind while also being influenced by our “day jobs” and helping SIOP evolve and remain relevant and vital can be a challenge. But it is a worthy challenge. There are lots of organizations where only academics or only practitioners attend, but SIOP is special in that it blends the common interests of both practitioners and academics. For this reason, there can be tensions, and it can be messy, but the value created by this tension is what makes SIOP so uniquely valuable to our profession. Thank you for contributing your perspective, skills, and expertise to SIOP through your membership and engagement. In order to help keep it that way, we need to continue to seek ways to leverage our strengths to increase and improve our overall brand across the profession. Here are some specific things we are currently doing to help strengthen the balance across our membership spectrum. SIOP’s premiere journal (—Industrial Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice—is a place where those in all walks of I-O life can learn from one another and collaborate with one another via focal articles and commentaries. Under the latest in a long line of fantastic editors, Ronald Landis (Illinois Institute of Technology) has been working to make IOP stronger than ever. This includes the new IOP Practice Forum under the guidance of Alexis Fink (Intel), which is designed to allow those practicing I-O psychology to share what is discovered. This might take the form of case studies, commentaries, critiques of practice-related topics, reviews of evidence-based best practices, and discussions of practice-related challenges and how those have been overcome. Please visit for more information about submission and review guidelines. Send submissions questions to Alexis Fink at Elizabeth McCune (Microsoft) and the SIOP Annual Conference Thursday Theme Track Committee will include a focus on events for collaborations and translations designed to help facilitate collaboration, balance, and excellence between practice and academia. More details on this are to come, but it is a fantastic group including Joe Allen (University of Nebraska), Madhura Chakrabarti (Bersin by Deloitte), Molly Delaney (Google), Chloe Lemelle (AT&T), Ketake Sodhi (University of Akron), and Jessie Zhan (Wilfred Lauer University). The new SIOP Organizational Science, Translation, and Application series is being led by Steve Kozlowski (Michigan State University) as editor. He is currently forming his team and fleshing out the details and approach of the series. We are looking forward to powerful collaborations and useful content from this new SIOP initiative. There are several key initiatives being developed by the Science–Practice Opportunities for Translation (SPOT) task force to help get the word out and to celebrate both science and practice. These include translation vehicles, publicizing science–practice collaborations and successes, and creating high impact events designed to enhance SIOP’s visibility via scaled I-O Roadshows and talks. Special thanks go to Frederik Anseel (King’s College, London and EAWOP President), Kathryn Dekas (Google and head of Google’s People Analytics PiLab), Lorenzo Galli (Mercer Consulting and cofounder of Science for Work), Julie McCarthy (University of Toronto), Eduardo Salas (Rice University), Paul Thoresen (SIOP’s Electronic Communication Committee Chair), Donald Truxillo (University of Limerick), and Shonna Waters (BetterUp) who all agreed to participate. In addition, Elizabeth McCune (Microsoft and SIOP’s Program Chair-in-Training) is an ex-officio member of the task force. Advocacy efforts for I-O education for high school students. Roni Reiter-Palmon (University of Nebraska- Omaha) and the Bridge Builders subcommittee is working toward organizing a volunteer drive to have hundreds of SIOP members volunteer to give talks about I-O psychology and SIOP in AP Psychology classrooms around the country. In addition, the SIOP Getting I-O into Intro Psychology Textbooks (GIT) task force has been attacking this issue from multiple fronts including: Creating I-O content to share widely via the Creative Commons License, discussions with APA leadership Reaching out to Division 2 of APA (the teaching division) Advocating with Education and Training for Eden King (President-Elect) to present at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP) at St. Pete Beach, FL this coming January Identifying, targeting, and tracking I-O content within Introduction to Psychology textbooks Working to influence textbook authors and publishers regarding the importance and relevance of I-O content to psychology Publicizing the I-O content included within the AP Psychology exam. Together, the ongoing focus on these initiatives should help to expose high school and early college students to I-O and highlight it as a critical part of psychology. The GIT task force members are task force Chair Joe Allen (University of Nebraska), Georgia Chao (Michigan State University and SIOP APA representative), Nicholas Salter (Ramapo College of New Jersey), Jennifer Gibson (Fors Marsh Group), and Debbie DiazGranados (Virginia Commonwealth University), with Mikki Hebl (Rice University and past Education and Training Committee chair) as a consultant to the committee based on her past work in this area. Providing more access to peer-reviewed research. In 2011, under President Adrienne Colella (Tulane University), SIOP began offering access to peer-reviewed research as an add-on service to members for an additional fee ($50; The first year it was enacted, 5% of our membership subscribed to this service. Currently, 1,005 (or 10% of our membership) subscribe to it. So the question is whether what we offer is not enough in terms of quantity, is not good enough, if we are doing a good enough job publicizing its availability, or if another barrier such as price is a concern, which led to member suggestions to provide more access. I have asked William Shepherd (Wendy’s, SIOP Professional Practice chair) and Brad Bell (Cornell, SIOP Scientific Affairs chair) to survey members to evaluate the usefulness and quality of our current research access services and to make recommendations for ways to improve what we have. If you have ideas, please send them to Major steps undertaken toward making the SIOP website more user friendly. Our website has evolved significantly over the years. When it began around 1997, there were only 4,700 members and it primarily included TIP, organization links, and announcements. Today, SIOP has over 10,000 members and the website ( has over 8,000 pages. It includes numerous projects created over the last 2 decades. All aspects of member information and I-O-related professional information can be found on the website. All of the interactions with members via paper mail and forms in 1997 are now done online through the website. In addition, is the supporting website that is a members-only area. It includes all the commerce modules including dues, conference registration, Awards and Fellows nominations, and Conference submissions. The design of the current website was implemented in 2008. Today, SIOP is making a substantial investment in completely overhauling the SIOP website, having engaged a technology firm to assist us. This includes a new updated look and greater emphasis on the most commonly used areas of the website. The SIOP Administrative Office has engaged in the process including focus groups at the SIOP conference in Chicago, and a study of member usage using Google analytics. We hope to have the redesign completed by Q1 of 2019. SIOP Governance Structure and Getting Out the Vote In my last column I devoted attention to volunteering and SIOP’s governance structure. SIOP is governed by our bylaws (voted upon by SIOP members and fellows), and our structure is an executive board comprising elected officials including the presidential trio, the financial officer/secretary, eight portfolio officers, and our APA Council representatives. We currently have four APA representatives. SIOP depends on your participation. Voting season for SIOP is upon us. Your vote matters. Please invest in SIOP’s future and vote for Team SIOP! Be on the lookout for information regarding our Executive Board election, which begins November 1, 2018 and ends December 2, 2018. The positions on the ballot include president-elect and the officers overseeing the External Relations, Instructional and Education, and Professional Practice portfolios. Thank you to Eden King for her efforts as the SIOP Elections Committee Chair. Plan to Attend the SIOP Annual Conference April 4-6, 2019 The SIOP Annual Conference is a huge undertaking and the pride of SIOP. We are in good hands with Scott Tonidandel (University of North Carolina, Charlotte) as Conference chair, Tracey Rizzuto (Louisiana State University) as Program chair, and Elizabeth McCune (Microsoft) as Incoming Program chair. They, along with the huge conference team, have been hard at work. The venue will be the Gaylord National, a short 15-minute ride from Reagan National Airport. The hotel sits on the Potomac River with beautiful views and boasts a giant glass atrium. It is a striking and fantastic venue complete with a water taxi to old Alexandria or Washington DC and over 30 restaurants and 150 shops next to the hotel. The great news- especially after last year in Chicago- is that it is spacious! The program will take place in the attached convention center with over 500,000 square feet of space. Workshops will be offered on April 3, 2019. Speaking of Washington DC, the SIOP presidential trio (pictured here by the Capitol Building) had an opportunity to represent SIOP with several stakeholders last July. I outline more about our visit to DC below. SIOP Advocacy, Diplomacy, and Relationship Building: Getting the Word Out about I-O and Amplifying SIOP’s Reach A major emphasis of my Presidency is focused on ways that SIOP is made stronger through world-class science, practice, and science–practice partnerships and collaborations. As I envision it, one of the major obligations and tasks I have as SIOP president is to get the word out about I-O psychology and SIOP and to build relationships. A huge part of that work is to meet with as many influential individuals and organizations I can during my time as SIOP president. The I-O Roadshow went to Washington DC in July. Our time started with a day-long retreat at Lewis-Burke to set our advocacy agenda for the coming year under the leadership of Alex Alonso (SIOP GREAT chair) and Steve Kozlowski (Research and Science Portfolio officer). The next day, the SIOP presidential trio met with Arthur Evans, CEO of APA and key members of his staff. We had a productive meeting discussing ways that SIOP and APA can forge tighter partnerships and get applied psychology to the forefront of what people think of when they need to address workforce issues. I met with key staffers at the Senate to discuss ways SIOP can partner to solve workforce issues and leverage Science for a Smarter Workplace. (left) Fred Oswald, Alex Alonso, Eden King, Talya Bauer, Tammy Allen, Jeff Hughes, Steve Kozlowski (right) The I-O Roadshow continued with a busy season of meetings and conferences starting in May and continuing into October as I write this column. Although I also have been meeting with organizations and individuals, I want to summarize the conferences and workshops below. May Big thanks goes to Margaret Beier who worked tirelessly to curate the I-O content for at the Association for Psychological Science (APS). The 30th annual APS conference in San Francisco last May included some fantastic sessions. Among the highlights was the session entitled “Teamwork on the Way to Mars: Organizational Psychology Applied to Deep Space” with Daniel Newton (University of Missouri), Shawn Burke (University of Central Florida), Suzanne Bell (DePaul University), Steve Kozlowski (Michigan State University), and Dorothy Carter (University of Georgia) (photograph below). Other sessions included a variety of posters as well as speakers on the topics of motivation, selection systems, biases, personality, career transitions, fit, and technology and the changing future of work by SIOP members. The sunset and view of the Golden Gate Bridge and Bay from the APS Presidential Reception was spectacular. I look forward to seeing what Margaret and Berrin Erdogan generate for next year’s meeting May 23-26, 2019 in Washington, DC. “Teamwork on the Way to Mars” APS invited session participants with Margaret Beier. June The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) annual conference was also in Chicago this year. They put on a pretty big and impressive show! I worked on forging connections between SIOP and SHRM, saw great talks, attended sessions, got some new books, and, I kid you not, bumped into a long-lost cousin from Costa Rica at the exhibitors booth, and I have a photo to prove it! The Alliance for Organizational Psychology (AOP) brings SIOP, EAWOP, IAAP-Div 1, and CSIOP together, with the goal of promoting the visibility of I-O psychology worldwide. Several SIOP members, including myself, attended the meeting of AOP at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology June 26-30, 2018 in Montreal. It was a good opportunity to connect with colleagues with affiliations in Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, the UK, the US, Singapore, Spain, and Switzerland including Julie McCarthy, outgoing Alliance Program Chair, Frederik Anseel, current EAWOP President, Gudela Grote, current Alliance president, and SIOP Members and Fellows Gilad Chen, Kurt Geisinger, Sharon Glazer, Richard Griffith, Cornelius König, Karen Korabik, Filip Lievens, Jesús Salgado, Sabine Sonnentag, Daan van Knippenberg, and Fred Zijlstra who were all awarded IAAP Fellowship at the meeting. It was also great to connect with SIOP-CSIOP leaders Lynda Zugec and Gary Latham (pictured to the right). SIOP Fellow, former Alliance President, and past EAWOP President José Maria Peiró was recognized by IAAP for his leadership. July In July, I also had the pleasure of attending a workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation focused on Organizational Science and Cybersecurity Workshop at George Mason University. The event brought together attendees from industry, government, and academia and included high caliber presentations and information sharing. SIOP was well represented with organizers Reeshad Dalal and Daniel Shore, presenters such as David Dorsey, Richard Landers, chair of SIOP’s Future of Work committee, and Daisy Chang, past SIOP Conference Chair and outgoing NSF officer as well as a host of other Team SIOP members presenting and in attendance. Speaking of NSF, new NSF officer Georgia Chao (SIOP APA Representative), started her 3-year term in July. The Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBMa) hosted a day-long meeting in Chicago that I attended. It included sessions regarding evidence-based management techniques, decision making, teaching, and communicating. SIOP members Rick Guzzo (Mercer Workforce Sciences Institute) and Lorenzo Galli (Mercer Italy) presented on the topic of evidence-based consulting and lessons learned. The Academy of Management Annual meeting was also held in Chicago this year, and I returned to the Chicago Grand Sheraton for the fifth time in 12 months. The conference is always a good time to connect to colleagues and share what SIOP is working on. Several meaningful discussions took place including an in-person meeting of the SIOP SPOT Task Force and a meeting of SIOP and Alliance for Organizational Psychology (AOP) Presidents. The new Alliance Executive Board includes Gudela Grute (President), Mark Poteet (Treasurer), Steven Rogelberg (Secretary), and Bonnie Cheng (External Communications Officer). Hopefully you are reading this in time so that it isn’t too late to attend the Leading Edge Consortium (LEC) which will be held October 19-20, 2018 in Baltimore, Maryland with workshops on October 18, 2018. The 2018 LEC Organizing Committee Members, David Baker (IMPAQ International), Allan Church (PepsiCo, co-chair), Karen Grabow (Grabow Consulting), Raphael Prager (PepsiCo), John Scott (APT Metrics), Rob Silzer (HR Assessment and Development, co-chair), and Lorraine Stomski (Walmart) have been hard at work developing a great program. The topic will be High Potential: Identifying, Developing, & Retaining Future Leaders ( I hope to see you there! SIOP Good Things I also want to offer appreciation and call your attention to several good things that have happened or are happening as I write this. If you have something you would like to see highlighted here in future columns, please let me know. United Nations. The SIOP United Nations committee continues to make an impact via their Innovation & Learning Brownbag Series organized in partnership with the United Nations Office of Human Resource Management. In August, Lori Foster (North Carolina State University), SIOP Communications Portfolio officer, gave a well-attended talk on “Applying Behavioral Insights to HR.” In addition, the UN team has expanded with a Geneva-based set of representatives including Stuart Carr (Massey University), Drew Mallory (KU Leuven), Ines Meyer (University of Cape Town), and Lori Foster. Special thanks to Julie Olson-Buchanan (Fresno State University) as chair of the UN committee for keeping their work vibrant. Practitioner Needs Assessment. This fall and winter, the Professional Practice Committee is conducting a Practitioner Needs Assessment. Please be on the look out to participate in one of their focus group and/or to respond to their survey. Please have your voice be heard. If you have questions, please contact Emily Solberg (SHL) at It’s Official! For over 40 years, the Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures has served as a tremendous resource for SIOP members, and I am happy to report that the revised Principles (5th edition) was approved by the APA Council of Representatives as an APA guidelines document. SIOP has many people to thank for this achievement: Nancy Tippins (The Tippins Group) and Paul Sackett (University of Minnesota) (pictured to the right) co-chaired and worked closely and tirelessly with the Principles revision committee: Winfred Arthur (Texas A&M), Tanya Delany (IBM), Eric Dunleavy (DCI Consulting), Ted Hayes (U.S. Department of Justice), Leaetta Hough (The Dunnette Group), Fred Oswald (Rice University), Dan Putka (HumRRO), Ann Marie Ryan (Michigan State University), and Neal Schmitt (Michigan State University). Nancy and Paul then further edited the Principles based on both SIOP and APA member comments; and they guided the document through APA’s legal review and the vote for approval at the 2018 APA Convention in August. Past President Fred Oswald is the current chair of the APA Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment (CPTA), and he helped to coordinate as the Principles document was discussed between SIOP and APA. Marianne Ernesto (pictured above, far right) is the director of Tests and Assessment at APA, and she worked internally with APA, and externally with SIOP (Paul, Nancy, Fred) over the course of more than three years to see this through- thank you all – especially Paul, Nancy, and Marianne pictured here after the Principles was approved. Our APA representatives (Georgia Chao (Michigan State University), Jeff McHenry (Rainier Leadership Solutions), Gary Latham (University of Toronto), and Steve Stark (University of South Florida)) worked both behind and in front of the APA scenes in what was truly a Team SIOP effort. The updated version of the Principles keeps up with the current accepted science of selection, and with the previous edition have been approved in 2003, this 2018 update was long overdue. The document will be made available soon on the APA website, and SIOP Publications is currently discussing other ways to disseminate the Principles, both within SIOP as well as a document that we can proudly share and promote externally. SIOP-CARMA. Under the leadership of George Banks (University of North Carolina), SIOP and CARMA recently partnered and completed the “2018 SIOP/CARMA Introductory Reviewer Development Series.” This was led by SIOP, with CARMA providing tech support; the live virtual panel sessions took place in August. They have made the recordings of the three sessions (about 3 hours total) available on the CARMA youtube channel ( Fellowship. It isn’t too late to start a SIOP Fellow nomination. Nominees must be current SIOP members for the last 2 years and have accumulated 10+ years of SIOP member status. Further, the nominator must demonstrate evidence that the nominee’s contributions have had a meaningful, sustained, and unusual impact on the field of I-O psychology. The deadline for all materials to be submitted is November 1. The Fellowship information that appears on the SIOP website was recently updated to reflect last year’s task force changes and updates. To see more about Fellowship criteria and nomination materials, visit The committee is chaired by Derek Avery (Wake Forest University) and Nancy Tippins is the chair-in-training. Registries. SIOP has two registries and a locator service. Please sign up if you are interested. It is another way to be involved and find others interested in similar things while making SIOP stronger. CSR and Pro-social/Humanitarian I-O Registry: Health, Safety, and Well-Being Registry: And the Consultant Locator Service: CHROs usually “set the table” in terms of human capital strategy, and this has major influence on HR budgets, work requirements and KPIs for HRVPs and COE leaders who hire consultants. We seldom have a direct line to hear these needs first hand at SIOP, with only two conference sessions over the last 10 years featuring live CHROs. Mark Morris, SIOP’s Learning Resources for Practitioners Committee chair, created and is piloting a CHRO Advisory Board, which includes a series of quarterly calls on specific topics such as “Developing a leadership pipeline” and involving 10 to 20 CHROs from diverse organizations to learn about SIOP, help SIOP focus in on key questions, and learn from I-O research and practice. I am looking forward to hearing how this initiative goes. Thank you Mark for being such a great ambassador for SIOP and the science and practice of I-O! CEMA Mentees. Please direct racial/ethnic minority graduate students with interest in participating in the CEMA mentoring program to reach out to I am SIOP. Photos at the Annual SIOP conference are a great thing. You are the face of SIOP. We are still gathering I am SIOP photos. Please email them to My presidential theme of I am SIOP was born out of my desire to articulate what makes SIOP so special. I realized that it is simply all of you, with your diverse backgrounds and ideas. Every. Single. Member. You make SIOP. You are SIOP. Especially on the closing reception dance floor… It is a pleasure to represent all of you – thank you for your faith in me and for giving me this opportunity! Notes 1 2 3 Print 4801 Rate this article: No rating Comments are only visible to subscribers.