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APA Members: Apportionment Ballot Closes on December 14

SIOP Administrative Office

Please Cast Your Votes to Support SIOP (Division 14)

SIOP members who are also members of the American Psychological Association (APA) have already received the annual apportionment ballot from APA. Voting closes December 14, 2018, so please remember to allocate your votes to SIOP (Division 14)!

The apportionment ballot is conducted annually to determine the composition of the following years' APA Council of Representatives. APA members allocate 10 votes among the divisions and state associations with which they are affiliated. These points are used to determine how many seats each division and state association receives on the Council.

Please allocate as many of your votes as possible to our division (Division 14 of APA). SIOP generally has a large block of APA members who allocate all 10 votes to Division 14. This helps us keep or increase the number of representatives we have. The Council makes decisions about many items of great interest to SIOP members.

The more representatives we have, the stronger our voice in APA, and the better we can ensure that APA's activities and spending take into account our interests and concerns. During the past couple of years, for example, our APA Council Representatives have influenced APA's decisions on a number of critical issues affecting all of us in SIOP, including practice, the science agenda, and funding for basic research.

For more information about APA apportionment procedures, visit the APA website here. Please be sure to submit your apportionment ballot and make your vote count!

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