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Announcing SIOP’s New Officers

SIOP Administrative Office

Thanks to All Who Participated in the Elections!

The results of the recent election are in, and SIOP’s newest Executive Board officers are:

     Georgia T. Chao - President-Elect

     Tara Behrend – External Relations Officer

     Marcus Dickson – Instructional and Educational Officer

     Tracy Kantrowitz – Professional Practice Officer

Congratulations to the newly elected officers and sincere thanks to all candidates for their willingness to serve!

The new officers will take their positions at SIOP’s 34th Annual ConferenceApril 4-6, 2019 at the spacious Gaylord National Resort in Washington, DC/National Harbor. Continue reading below to find out more about the new SIOP officers. To learn about each winner’s vision and goals, visit the candidates’ page here.

Meet the Officers

Georgia T. Chao

President-Elect Georgia T. Chao is a SIOP and APA Fellow, and recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, with more than 30 years’ service to the organization. She is just ending her second term as an APA Council Representative for SIOP, and a highlight of her recent work with APA is the approval of the SIOP’s Principles for the Validation and Use of Selection ProceduresShe has also served as secretary of the SIOP Executive Board and chair of the Workshop Committee.

Dr. Chao earned her PhD in I-O psychology from Penn State, and is currently on detail to the National Science Foundation as a program officer.  She is professor of Management at Michigan State University and adjunct in the psychology department there. Before joining MSU in 1985, Chao was section head of the Department of Management at the General Motors Institute (now Kettering University).

Her research interests are in the areas of teams, work adjustment, and cross-cultural psychology. Dr. Chao has served in leadership positions—principal investigator, Co-PI, or project director—on research and applied projects in these areas, funded with nearly three million dollars in grants.

Chao currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology, the International Journal of Selection and AssessmentHuman Resource Management Review, and Management and Organization Review. Her research has received several awards including the Academy of Management’s  Outstanding Publication in Organizational Behavior award (1995); Organizational Research Methods’ Best Paper Award (2014); and SIOP’s William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award for best publication (2015). Her publication list can be accessed through her curriculum vitae, here. In addition to SIOP, she is a member of APA and a certified professional and member of the Society for Human Resource Management.

Tara Behrend

Tara Behrend will serve as SIOP’s External Relations officer through 2021. Dr. Behrend earned her PhD from North Carolina State University and has been very active within SIOP since joining in 2004. Currently the editor of The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, Behrend has also served on several task forces and committee, including the Awards Committee, Education and Training Committee, the Awards Task Force, the Futures Task Force, and the Government Advocacy Team.

Her role with the Government Advocacy Team is an extension of one of her core professional interests, which revolve around the intersection of humans and computers in work situations, including recruitment, selection and training.

Dr. Behrend, associate professor of I-O Psychology at George Washington University, is director of the WAVE Lab at GWU. WAVE stands for Workplaces and Virtual Environments, and the lab focuses on conducting rigorous research with real world impact to generate knowledge to improve human-technological systems and inform policy. Behrend is also interested in career decision making, specifically relating to STEM fields. Her work in this area is funded by a research grant from the National Science Foundation.

Dr. Behrend is an active member of APA and APS, as well as several other organizations concerned with the future of work, including the Psychology of Technology Institute and Stanford’s Center for the Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences. 

Tara Behrend has presented over 50 papers at professional conferences and is currently coediting a SIOP Frontiers book about the Future of Work. View her list of publications here.

Marcus W. Dickson

Dr. Marcus W. Dickson, SIOP’s incoming Instructional and Educational officer, is director of doctoral and terminal master’s programs in I-O Psychology at Wayne State, where he also founded and runs the consulting/internship program. A past chair of the SIOP Education and Training Committee, he is a SIOP Fellow and has received the Distinguished Teaching Contributions Award. Dr. Dickson has been involved in several committees during his long association with SIOP, including TIP, Awards, and APA Program Committees.

Dr. Dickson did his undergraduate work at West Virginia Wesleyan College and completed his graduate education at the University of Maryland. His research interests focus on leadership, especially in a cross-cultural context, and he served as co-principal investigator on Project GLOBE, the largest cross-cultural study of leadership to date.  

In addition to the SIOP award, Dr. Dickson has been honored for his teaching with the Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award from Wayne State University and was named Michigan Distinguished Professor of the Year, 2010, by The Presidents Council of State Universities of Michigan. 

Dr. Dickson is the founder and director of the Applied Psychology and Organizational Research Group (APORG), a unit within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Wayne State that provides training to I-O Psychology graduate students through applied research and consulting projects. APORG has generated over $1,000,000 in contracts and research assistantships to date.

His work has appeared in major research outlets, including Journal of Applied Psychology, The Leadership Quarterly, Advances in Global Leadership, Sex Roles, and Applied Psychology.  According to Google Scholar he has more than 11,000 citations and an H-index of 31. Read more about Dr. Dickson’s work here.

Tracy Kantrowitz

Dr. Tracy M. Kantrowitz received her PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology with a concentration in quantitative measurement from the Georgia Institute of Technology and has been an active member of SIOP for the last 20 years. A SIOP Fellow, she has chaired the Conference Program Committee (2018) and led the Professional Practice Committee, as well as serving on the IOP and TIP editorial boards, and the Awards Committee.  SIOP has recognized her work with the M. Scott Myers Award for applied research in the workplace and the Distinguished Early Career Contributions (Practice) Award.

Dr. Kantrowitz is chief product officer at PDRI, where she consults with a wide variety of public- and private-sector clients on complex human capital challenges and leads integrated talent management product development. A known thought leader in the area of talent assessment, her work has focused on the assessment-technology interface on topics like computer adaptive testing, new predictor development, advances in unproctored Internet testing, and mobile assessment.

In addition to consulting, Dr. Kantrowitz regularly publishes and presents her work. Recently, she co-authored (with Elaine Pulakos) SHRM’s Effective Practice Guidelines on Choosing Effective Talent Assessments to Strengthen Your Organization.  She has also contributed commentaries to Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice and has authored a widely cited industry publication, the Global Assessment Trends Reports, an annual report describing HR priorities, talent practices, and uses of technology in talent management. Her work has been published in International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Human Performance, Journal of Business and Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Applied Psychology: An International Review. Read more about Dr. Kantrowitz’s work here.

About the Voting Process

Each person elected must receive a majority of votes cast. Votes for SIOP President‐Elect and officer positions are recorded using the Ware single transferable vote method. Using this method, an automatic runoff is calculated, per the procedures used for APA’s presidential election. Voters are encouraged, though not required, to place all candidates in rank order.

After each voting round, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is eliminated. If the voter's first choice receives the lowest number of votes, the vote is transferred to their second choice for the second round and so on until one candidate reaches the required quota. This system is also known as a “single transferable vote” or instant runoff method.

The tally sheet for this election can be viewed here. This is how to track the vote transfers:

The transferred votes referred to above are shown in the gray boxes. In Round 2 and beyond, ballots that include only candidates that have been eliminated are considered "exhausted." The number of these ballots for each round is indicated on the tally sheet.

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