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Jim Rebar
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Notice of Bylaws Amendment Vote

SIOP Administrative Office

Balloting Closes January 1, 2019

At its September meeting, the SIOP Executive Board approved a bylaws amendment shortening the timeframe for votes on matters that come before the Board.

The current bylaws provide for 30 days for the Emergency Action Committee (a subset of the Executive Board) or the full Board to vote on proposals electronically. Yet, the pace of technology and decision making has advanced, and so should SIOP.

To allow for more expeditious processes, the Executive Board has approved a reduction in the time frames for these votes. The change requires a vote by the Emergency Action Subcommittee within seven (7) days or a vote by the Executive Board within fourteen (14) days.

Any change to the bylaws requires a full vote of the SIOP membership. Voting on the proposed bylaws change began on December 3, 2018, and concludes on January 1, 2019.

If approved, the relevant section of the bylaws will be modified as indicated below:

The Executive Board and Emergency Action Subcommittee may transact business by electronic media by voting on any proposal mailed or e-mailed by the President or from the Administrative Office with the approval of the President. For the Emergency Action Subcommittee, thirty (30) seven (7) days from the mailing or e-mailing shall be allotted for the return of the vote thereon to the Administrative Office. The voting shall be deemed closed at the end of the 30 7-day period or when all members have returned their vote. For the Executive Board, any proposal not receiving a majority affirmative vote, or 2/3rds majority when required, at the end of the 30 a fourteen (14)-day period shall be deemed lost.

Read the Bylaws in their entirety here and find more information about the proposed amendment here. Eligible members may vote here through January 1, 2019.

SIOP Members, Fellows, Retired Members, and Retired Fellows may vote. Associates and Student Affiliates are not eligible to vote. Associates who are interested in becoming voting members are invited to take the path to membership and can find information about the process here.

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