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SIOP Members Make News With APA

SIOP Administrative Office

Shullman is 2020 President, Kozlowski new Chair of Open Science and Methodology Committee

On November 8, APA released news that SIOP Member Sandra L. Shullman, PhD, a consulting psychologist internationally known in leadership assessment and development has been elected to lead the APA as president in 2020. The same day, APA announced that Steve W. J. Kozlowski, PhD, has been named the first chair of its new Open Science and Methodology Committee.

SIOP President Talya Bauer said, “SIOP is thrilled that Sandra Shullman was voted in as president-elect for APA. As a member of SIOP, her presidency is a huge win-win for both APA and all of us within Division 14. We look forward to working with the APA presidential trio in the years to come.”

In addition to his new appointment with APA, Steve Kozlowski, who was president of SIOP for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, is currently SIOP’s Research and Science Officer.

Kozlowski said of his APA appointment, “The creation of the Open Science Methodology Committee signifies the American Psychological Association’s (APA) commitment to advancing open science practices across the broad range of psychological science represented in APA’s journal portfolio. I appreciate the trust placed in me and the opportunity to lead this effort, as it complements open science initiatives within SIOP.”

Sandra Shullman is managing partner of the Columbus, OH office of the Executive Development Group, an international leadership development and consulting firm, with offices in Greensboro, NC; Atlanta; Columbus; and London. She has been a member of SIOP since 2006.

In its news release, the APA cited Shullman’s “distinguished record of organizational leadership spans higher education, research, health care, and consulting,” and noted “Shullman’s most recent research and publications focus on leadership and uncertainty. She coauthored the first national-level study of sexual harassment in academia and the workplace.”

SIOP officially endorsed Shullman’s bid for the position this September, based on her responses to questions posed by Bauer on the organization’s behalf. In her discussion, Shullman recognized the work SIOP has done over the years to raise awareness about, and maintain standards for, the profession of I-O psychology. “As APA president, I want to build on that great work and to create a more centrally engaged role for SIOP and I-O psychology within APA, including active engagement and leadership in the APA Council of Representatives, in existing APA initiatives, and in new efforts in transforming APA for the future,” she wrote. Read her complete responses to President Bauer’s questions here and learn more about her campaign positions on her candidate’s website.

The Open Science and Methodology Committee falls within the purview of APA’s Publications and Communications Board. The committee will help the board, and APA authors, reviewers, and editors “to understand and develop best practices for the evolving landscape of open science in psychological research,” according to the APA release.

Steve Kozlowski, a professor of organizational psychology at Michigan State, has long been involved with APA publications and with open science initiatives. Rose Sokol-Chang, PhD, publisher of APA’s journals, heartily endorsed the choice, saying, “As a former chair of APA’s Council of Editors, he has a deep understanding of our publishing program. He will be an invaluable guide and resource as we continue expanding our efforts to make the science of psychology more open and transparent.”

Speaking of his term as president of SIOP, Kozlowski said, “We created an open science task force, led by Steven Rogelberg, that made a set of recommendations for SIOP.” The task force report, “A Systems-Based Approach to Fostering Robust Science in Industrial-Organizational Psychology,” can be read here.

Continuing, Kozlowski said, “At the fall 2018 Executive Board (EB) meeting, I proposed the creation of the Ad Hoc Committee for Open Science in I-O Psychology to fall under my portfolio as Research and Science Officer. The EB supported that proposal, and the effort will be ably cochaired by past-president Fred Oswald and Steven Rogelberg. It is vitally important that we ensure the transparency and integrity of our science, and I’m honored to be involved.”

Kozlowski serves or has served on the editorial boards of seven peer reviewed publications and is also editor of the Handbook of Organizational Psychology, the Organizational Psychology Series, and the SIOP Translational Science Series, published by Oxford University Press.

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