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SIOP Administrative Office

How are I/O Psychologists Supporting Military and Veterans?

The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) wants to know about the work you’re doing to support military members, veterans, and their families.  SIOP will be promoting military- and veteran-related I/O research, content, and programs during the upcoming SIOP Serving Military Week, coinciding with the relaunch of the SIOP Military and Veterans Initiative in early November. SIOP is seeking links to research, infographics, videos, resources, projects, initiative highlights, white papers, publications, or any other appropriate online media to support this effort.

Veterans, active-duty military, Reservists, National Guard service members, and their spouses and families face many challenges surrounding well-being, work-life balance, transition, employment, and long-term workforce integration.  I/O psychologists are uniquely poised to support these needs and opportunities by highlighting research-driven best practices, identifying shortfalls, and recommending practical solutions.  SIOP has taken notice and made veteran transition research one of its strategic initiatives for 2019 (Baker, 2018).  This strategic initiative aims to bolster support in the I/O community, invigorate collaborations, and drive other efforts surrounding this cause.  SIOP Serving Military Week will highlight these efforts, I/O research, and more to support our military and veterans.  Links to related I/O content may be sent directly to the SIOP Prosocial Committee POCs: Marisa Bossen, Ph.D. (marisa.bossen@gmail.com) and Logan Steele, Ph.D. (steele.logan.m@gmail.com) by October 19th.


Baker, J. (2018). SIOP in Washington: Advocating for I-O in federal public policy. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 554.

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