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The GIT Taskforce Wants You!​

SIOP Administrative Office

Help raise awareness of I-O with tips from the GIT Blog

Very few introductory psychology textbooks currently include I-O psychology, contributing to a general lack of awareness of our field within the academic community. You can help change that!

The “GIT” blog post has tips for how you can help build awareness of I-O in the wider arena of psychology education. GIT is an acronym for Getting I-O into Introductory Psychology Textbooks.

The GIT Task Force is one Talya Bauer’s presidential initiatives, and the GIT Blog is a centralized communication channel for the task force.

The task force is chaired by Joe Allen (University of Nebraska Omaha), and members include Georgia Chao (Michigan State University), Jen Gibson (Fors Marsh Group), Deborah DiazGranados (Virginia Commonwealth University), Roni Reiter-Palmon (University of Nebraska Omaha), Nick Salter (Ramapo College of New Jersey), and Marissa Leigh Shuffler Porter (Clemson University).

The formal charge, as Bauer gave it to the task force, reads,

The overarching task force goal is to increase the awareness and inclusion of IO psychology within General/Introduction to Psychology textbooks. This will take the form discussing, tracking, identifying, and addressing key issues related to IO content being included or not included in General/Introduction to Psychology textbooks. 

While it is anticipated that the timeframe for documenting progress on the goal of more General/Introduction to Psychology textbooks is a long-term process and that major movement is expected to see dividends after 5+ years, the task force will spend two years (2018-2019 and 2019-2020) working toward implementing the identification and influence tactics while reporting to the Executive Board regularly.

The first post in the GIT Blog details some of the task force’s tactics and goals, and the new post contains links to resources all SIOP members can use to raise visibility of the profession in academia, along with a call to action.

Team SIOP members (that means you!) are invited to visit the blog often and to get involved in the effort by participating in the discussion, by evangelizing I-O in their academic institutions, and by sharing posts on their social media feeds.  Read more here!




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