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Time Is Running Out!

The end of the year is near! The fiscal year ends June 30 and begins again on July 1. With the new 2019-2020 membership year approaching, it’s time to renew your dues.

It’s important to renew your membership for opportunities that SIOP has to offer. SIOP membership provides networking and professional development opportunities that are only available to our members. Access our database of fellow members, publish your research, and use our I-O Job Network service to match with leading employers seeking qualified candidates in the I-O field.

Membership dues are still an affordable $110 for professional members or $55 for retired members/Student Affiliates. Be sure to check out our membership benefits, including discounts on travel, entertainment, office supplies, and other business services described here.

Fellow SIOPer Herman Aguinis stated, “SIOP is our virtual worldwide community. People change jobs and even careers, which sometimes means that people move within and across national borders. Yet, SIOP remains the virtual place that offers ongoing and uninterrupted professional, and even personal, stability. As a member for about a quarter century, I am very thankful for all the wonderful friends I have made through SIOP, as well as numerous research and applied projects I have initiated through SIOP connections.”

Debbie Major, SIOP Fellow, reflected on her membership explaining, “Among professional organizations, SIOP stands out as something special.  In SIOP, there is a common thread of dedication connecting generations of I-Os. We have remarkably talented members who work tirelessly to develop I-O psychologists and to promote the field of I-O psychology.”

You can read more testimonials on the SIOP website.

All unpaid memberships are deactivated on July 1, so pay your dues now.

Don’t forget! You can’t access the SIOP Volunteer System (SVS) until you’ve renewed your membership. To learn more about how you can volunteer, click here.

***SIOP Newsbriefs is a weekly AI newsletter sent electronically to SIOP members.

Sent every Wednesday, the newsletter consists of a SIOP News section, which contains information of interest to SIOP members as well as items about the research of the members themselves. Also included is the TOP INDUSTRY NEWS section, a curated listing of stories about the workplace that relate to important SIOP topics. These stories may be included because they address pertinent issues, present new areas for research, or simply stir debate. Members can opt to take advantage of the AI functionality of the new Newsbriefs as well. By doing so, a third section is added to each newsletter, with content based on your individual interests. For information on how to customize your Newsbriefs, click HERE.


To access even more news, go to https://siop.inloop.com/en/news.


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