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Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy Request for Comment

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is seeking public comments on a draft set of desirable characteristics of data repositories used to locate, manage, share, and use data resulting from federally funded research. 

Comments should be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on March 6, 2020

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is issuing this RFC on behalf of the multi-agency Subcommittee on Open Science (SOS) of the National Science and Technology Council’s Committee on Science. Read the full text of the request for comment here.

The proposed set of desirable characteristics is part of the subcommittee’s efforts to improve the consistency of information that federal agencies provide to the scientific community about the long-term preservation of data resulting from federally funded research. The characteristics could apply to repositories operated by government or nongovernmental entities.

Feedback will help the subcommittee refine and develop a common set of characteristics that federal research funding agencies can use to support ongoing efforts to improve the management and sharing of data from federally funded research.

The Subcommittee on Open Science (SOS) of the National Science and Technology Council's Committee on Science convenes more than 20 federal departments and agencies that support research and development (R&D). It aims to advance open science and foster implementation of agency public access plans that were developed in response to the 2013 White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memorandum entitled “Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research” that called for improved access to data and publications resulting from federally funded R&D.

The published request for comment contains full instructions on how to submit commentary. For more information, contact Lisa Nichols at OpenScience@ostp.eop.gov

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