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APA Council Election Results:

Jeff McHenry Elected as APA Representative for Division 14

SIOP is pleased to announce that Jeff McHenry, Rainier Leadership Solutions, has been elected to serve as an APA Council Representative for Division 14. McHenry has been serving as one of SIOP’s APA Council Representatives since January 2018. The new term begins January 1, 2021, and runs for 3 years.

When McHenry served as SIOP President in 2006-2007, one of his presidential priorities was to work with APA on advocacy, visibility, and research funding. He has continued that work over the last 3 years, advocating for greater support for applied psychology within APA. One of the highlights of his recent efforts is the creation of APA’s new Exploratory Committee for Applied Psychology (ECAP), which the APA Board approved based on recommendations from a working group that he co-chaired. ECAP provides a formal voice for applied psychology within APA governance. McHenry is now serving as the chair of ECAP.

“Thanks to the work of many SIOP members, APA has started doing a lot to promote applied psychology,” McHenry said. “They’ve drawn on I-O research heavily in their communications about the impact of COVID-19, remote work, racism, and policing. They also are tapping into SIOP experts who are helping them develop stronger leadership and a better workplace. We still want them to do more advocacy work on our behalf. We’re well-positioned with two strong SIOP members, Steve Kozlowski and Tara Behrend, serving on APA’s Advocacy Coordinating Committee.”

The Council of Representatives is the legislative body of APA and has full power and authority over the affairs and funds of the association within the limitations set by the certificate of incorporation and the bylaws, including the power to review, upon its own initiative, the actions of any board, committee, division, or affiliated organization. Council is composed of representatives of divisions; representatives of state, provincial, and territorial psychological associations (SPTAs); and the members of the Board of Directors.

McHenry is the founder and principal of Rainier Leadership Solutions and an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California. He frequently speaks and delivers workshops at professional conferences. His areas of expertise include leadership talent management, succession planning, executive coaching and assessment, leadership team building, and leadership and high-potential development. He has consulted with numerous clients, including Microsoft, Deloitte, 3M, the Gates Foundation, Weyerhaeuser, and World Vision. Previously, McHenry spent 18 years at Microsoft Corporation, where he held a variety of HR and talent development roles, including general manager, leadership development, and recruiting, where he was responsible for executive recruiting and talent management, leadership and high potential development, and organizational development for the entire corporation. McHenry has a PhD in psychology from the University of Minnesota.

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