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Amber Stark

SIOP Fellowship Nominations Open Aug. 1

In an effort to recognize unusual and outstanding contributions to I-O psychology, SIOP invites members to nominate colleagues for SIOP Fellowship.

Nominees must be current SIOP members at the time of nomination, have been members for the previous two years, and have accumulated 10 years of professional membership in SIOP; their contributions must have had meaningful, sustained, and unusual impact on the field of industrial and organizational psychology; and they must be nominated by another SIOP member or Fellow. Self-nomination is not permitted.

“Fellowship recognizes outstanding contributions of SIOP members and is one of the highest honors a member can receive,” said Nancy Tippins, chair of the Fellowship Committee.  “Fellowship is not limited to individuals who work in a particular area of I/O psychology or are employed in only some settings. All SIOP members and fellows should consider who in their networks has made significant contributions to the field and is deserving of this honor, and take the time to nominate someone who is deserving.”

The nomination process will open Saturday, Aug. 1, and will close Sunday, Nov. 1. The Fellowship Committee reviews all nominations and makes recommendations to the Executive Board. New Fellows will be announced at the Opening Plenary Session of the SIOP Annual Conference and in TIP.

SIOP recognizes that outstanding contributions to the profession may come from all areas of I-O psychology and represent the range of practice, research, teaching, administration, and service in the variety of settings in which industrial-organizational psychologists work.

Fellow status is not simply based on adding up how many criteria are represented in a nominee’s curriculum vitae. Similarly, recognition as a SIOP Fellow is not simply a matter of competency nor is it recognition of a steady and active career in I-O. Rather, Fellow status specifically recognizes unusual and outstanding contributions that have an important impact on I-O psychology.

Each nominee is considered individually; there is no quota or percentage of Fellows; the Fellowship Committee takes very seriously its obligation to make sure that outstanding SIOP members are recognized, balanced by the realization that Fellowship is a significant honor, highly valued by all members of SIOP.

Complete requirements and procedures, as well as a helpful timetable and examples of contributions, can be found online.

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