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Jenny Baker

Nominate the Next IOP Editor

SIOP is now soliciting nominations for the position of editor-in-chief of Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice (IOP). The new editor will be selected by the Publications Board and approved by the Executive Board in March 2021. The new editor-in-training would begin working with the current editor, Ronald Landis, beginning March 2021, and assumes duty beginning September 1, 2021. The term of the position is 3 years.

The editor must be a SIOP Fellow or Member. Any SIOP Fellow or Member can nominate for the editorship. Self-nominations are also welcome.

IOP Description
IOP is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

IOP focuses on interactive exchanges on topics of importance to science and practice in our field. The novel format of the journal focuses on interactive exchanges on topics of importance to science and practice in our field. The journal takes a focal article–peer commentary format. A focal article is a position paper on an important issue for the field (or potentially a pair of papers taking opposite sides in a debate). Such a focal article might summarize evidence on an issue and take a position as to implications for science, practice, or public policy. The paper might focus on a basic science issue, an applied science issue, a practice issue, or a public policy issue; many would be a blend. The focal article is then followed by a series of peer commentaries. These could challenge or critique the original article, expand on issues not addressed in the focal article, or draw out implications not developed in the focal article. The goal is to include commentaries from various perspectives, including science, practice, and international perspectives.

Requirements for IOP Editor
Because the format of the journal is relatively unique in the field, the requirements for the editorship are little different from those other editorships. The editor must have:

  • a broad knowledge of topic areas and leading experts in the field of I-O
  • an understanding of the various perspectives that exist regarding important issues to the field
  • the ability to solicit and develop focal articles and responses from all types of contributors (e.g., academics, researchers, practitioners, business leaders etc.) to ensure a truly balanced set of perspectives
  • a plan for publishing focal article topics that are high in quality and of interest within and outside I-O  
  • the organizational skills necessary to manage a large journal
  • sufficient time to devote to the journal on a regular and uninterrupted basis for 3 years

Because of the demands placed on the Editor, institutional support is crucial. For example, it is customary for editors working in academic institutions to receive a course release and administrative support.

Information for Nominee
The journal publishes four issues per year. Each issue generally contains two focal articles and 10-12 commentaries.

Below is a rundown of activities for each issue of IOP along with time estimates:

  • Scan the environment looking for topics (5-10 hours)
  • Select two topics -Network to get suggestions for potential authors on the topics (5-10 hours)
  • Enlist authors to write on the topics (5 hours)
  • Identify “Editorial Board Members” for each article to review drafts and to review commentaries (3-6 members) (2 hours)
  • Review outlines and drafts; solicit external reviews as time permits (5-10 hours)
  • Accept final drafts of focal articles: post to SIOP web site (1 hour)
  • Identify potential commentators; send email encouraging them to submit (2 hours)
  • Correspond with commentary authors re their questions about the commentary process (5 hours)
  • Receive commentaries: Solicit multiple reviews of each. (5-10 hours)
  • Read all commentaries; assimilate reviewer input, write decision letters. (30-40 hours)
  • Receive revisions; make final decisions on commentaries. (5-10 hours)

Note that the above process occurs for each of 4 issues each year. So at any one time, the editor may be soliciting topics for one issue, working with the focal article authors on another issue, reviewing commentaries for a third issue, and finalizing the focal article author response for a fourth issue.

In addition to the duties that are cyclic for each issue, other activities include preparing reports for the SIOP Executive Board, responding to unsolicited manuscript submissions, and responding to general queries about the journal.

The average workload is 6-8 hours per week, however, the volume of work is not consistent from week to week. Because of the number of hours required, it is typical for the institution of which the editor is a faculty member to provide a teaching and/or service reduction to editors serving in this capacity. Equivalent support should be provided by non-academic employers, although the nature of that support will naturally come in different forms across jobs and employers.

Nomination and Application Information
If you are interested in serving as the IOP Editor, or if you know someone who might, submit your nomination via email by January 1, 2021 to Mo Wang (mo.wang@warrington.ufl.edu). Nominations need only be a brief letter announcing the intention to nominate. Only those individuals nominated by this date will be able to submit application materials.

All nominated individuals should submit their application package by January 31, 2021 to Mo Wang (mo.wang@warrington.ufl.edu). Each application package should include electronic versions of a current CV, a statement that describes the nominee’s vision for the IOP, and three letters of recommendation from SIOP Fellows or Members.

SIOP Publications Board
Mo Wang (Search Chair)
Alexis Fink
Steve Kozlowski
Ron Landis
Kevin Murphy
Elaine Pulakos
Neal Schmitt

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