Featured Articles
Amber Stark

SIOP Offers Expert Advice for Federal Policy Development

Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC

This election cycle marked a first for SIOP advocacy. At the direction of SIOP leadership and with support from our federal relations partners at Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC (Lewis-Burke), teams of SIOP volunteers were convened to develop I-O-based recommendations for an incoming presidential administration. The teams compiled two white papers to address areas of strong I-O expertise and federal interest: federal workforce support and policing reform.

Both white papers communicate I-O psychology research findings to support policy development.  The federal workforce white paper includes evidence-backed recommendations on developing effective hiring and recruitment practices, training and development programs, morale and retention initiatives, and other federal activities, contributed by SIOP experts including Dr. Talya Bauer and Dr. Kurt Kraiger.  The policing white paper features examples of the application of scientific theory and data-driven methods and findings to enhance police recruitment and selection processes, supervision and leadership, training and development, diversity and inclusion, and other areas.

The policing white paper was compiled by SIOP’s new standing working group on policing, comprising Dr. Ann Marie Ryan, Dr. Rick Jacobs, Dr. Amy Grubb, and Sergeant Anna Tornello.

In the lead-up to Election Day, Lewis-Burke engaged with policy advisors to the Biden campaign and shared the white papers and expert recommendations. By engaging President-Elect Biden’s transition team, SIOP stands to influence future policy initiatives around rebuilding the federal workforce and policing reform, both of which are immediate priorities of the incoming administration. Following the election, Lewis-Burke has continued to send the white papers to new contacts as the names of key advisors become known.  SIOP will continue to provide expert input to the Biden Administration and congressional contacts from both parties as they seek to develop and implement new initiatives related to the workforce and workplace.

SIOP’s government relations and public policy initiatives raise awareness of the importance of industrial and organizational psychology science and research in creating sound public policy and representing SIOP in Washington, DC.

The SIOP Government Relations Advocacy Team (GREAT) has been pursuing these goals with the support of Lewis-Burke Associates LLC, a leading federal government relations firm in Washington, DC since 2013.

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