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Amber Stark

Bylaws Amendments Pass

In December, SIOP voting members were asked to consider four bylaws amendment packages to address issues including governance, dues determinations, gender inclusive language, and general document clean up. The complete details about the amendment proposals can be found on the SIOP website.

We are pleased to announce that each of the amendments passed, with large margins of support. The vote tallies are below:

Modern Governance Amendment (96.5% in favor)
332 Yes
12 No

Dues Determination Amendment (79% in favor)
271 Yes
72 No

Gender Inclusive Language Amendment (89.5% in favor)
307 Yes
36 No

Clean Up Amendment (97% in favor)
333 Yes
9 No

The amendments all took immediate effect upon their passing, and the new version of the SIOP Bylaws is now available and posted to the SIOP website.

The SIOP Executive Board appreciates the support of members to make these important updates that serve to modernize our governing documents and related operations.

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