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Amber Stark
/ Categories: Items of Interest, Advocacy

SIOP Supports Elevation of OSTP to Cabinet-level

On January 15, 2021, President-elect Joe Biden announced that he would elevate the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to a Cabinet-level agency. SIOP enthusiastically supports this elevation of the Presidential science adviser to a Cabinet post. As the preeminent professional organization for industrial and organizational psychology, SIOP supports the recognition of science as a critical component of good governance. This support is consistent with our goals and values to advance science for a smarter workplace. 

SIOP will continue to advocate for I-O science and practice. We are outreaching to the new administration, as we did for previous administrations, to advocate for how I-O psychology can be leveraged to apply our best science and practice to improve: (1) Defense and National Security, (2) Education, Development, and Training for a High-Performing Workforce, (3) Health and Well-being at Work, (4) Policing, (5) Technology-Enabled Workforce, and (6) Veterans transitions to the civilian workforce. Moving forward, SIOP promotes science to guide our future research, practice, and education.

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