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Amber Stark

A Message from the SIOP Presidential Trio About the 2021 SIOP Annual Conference

Dear SIOP members and friends,

By now you have heard all the great news about the 2021 SIOP Annual Conference and our expanded “SIOP Season.” We are thankful to our many volunteers and staff who are putting in long hours preparing for this unique experience as we strive to meet the professional development needs of our I-O community in the context of the continuing pandemic environment.

If you are among our members who have decided a virtual conference is not for you, we hope you will reconsider. The SIOP community is made better by the engagement of all its members and friends, including you!

If you’ve attended in the past, you know that the SIOP Annual Conference helps to define our field. It is as full of big, intellectual “a-ha moments” as it is small, engaging conversations with fellow attendees that, years later, you’ll look back on as pivotal to how you made it from there to here.

Past SIOP conference goers have found their next new superstar hire, their future favorite boss, their thank-goodness-we-found-each-other research partner, and other life-altering relationships through the simple act of saying “Yes, I’m in!” for the SIOP Annual Conference. We have every expectation that such important connections will again be made this year, and we don’t want you to miss out.

The 2021 SIOP Annual Conference is designed to bring the I-O community together in myriad ways. Maybe the educational sessions appeal to you, but you have no interest in virtual networking. That’s ok! Your session attendance could help you gain the knowledge and context you need to perform better in your job and improve the world of work for others. Or, it could offer that chance you’ve wanted to introduce yourself to that influential speaker whose research you admire, leading to any number of new opportunities on your career horizon!

Or perhaps you are Zoomed-out on learning opportunities but miss the chance to just meet and talk with others in our industry. What better place to find a critical mass of I-O friends and colleagues than the SIOP Annual Conference? This year’s event offers numerous opportunities to connect live and “happen upon” other conference goers, much as you would in a hotel lobby or hallway, as well as to enjoy non-video interaction through discussion boards and private messaging.

The SIOP Annual Conference will be better if you are a part of it, as we reconnect the I-O community and continue Moving Forward. There’s still time to register—click HERE to join in the fun.

We wish you a memorable, enjoyable, and productive 2021 SIOP Annual Conference, and we hope to see you there.

The SIOP Presidential Trio

Georgia Chao, President
Steven Rogelberg, President-Elect
Eden King, Past President

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