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Mark Peterson

Working Group to Explore/Create Journal Reporting Guidelines for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice in Psychological Science


Deconstructing the systemic barriers that have limited scientific knowledge regarding communities of color requires multisystemic change. Historical practices in scientific publishing have produced limited scientific knowledge about communities of color and contributed to systematic racism and persistent disparities in psychological research and its applications. 


A joint Task Force of the APA Board of Scientific Affairs and the Publications and Communications Board has been discussing numerous ways to address these issues.  We are pleased to announce the launch of this new workgroup focused on developing and implementing best practices related to the manner in which race and ethnicity are discussed within scientific manuscripts in psychological science. Specifically, we aim to develop new standards that promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice (Buchanan et al., in press; Roberts et al., 2020) in the description of scientific theories, methods, analyses, and conclusions.


APA is looking for volunteers to contribute to this important endeavor. An initial task for members of this workgroup will be to outline the scope of these reporting guidelines and discuss plans for broad implementation. Assuming a reasonable approach is identified, this workgroup will then create the journal reporting guidelines and present them to relevant governance groups in APA to promote broad adoption.


Applicants interested in serving on this workgroup should send a CV, and a brief statement (~200 words) outlining their interest in participating and relevant experience, by December 31, 2021 to science@apa.org.

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