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Amber Stark

First Work Smart Session Delivers on Promise of Content + Connection

The November 18 Work Smart Session—5 Macro Human Capital Trends Impacting the Workplace Today—was well received by an audience including a mix of SIOP members and non-members eager to hear about how I-O psychology can contribute to understanding the turbulent times in which we live.

Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Chief Talent Scientist at ManpowerGroup, shared insights on trends that are reshaping the world of work. He stimulated thought and asked discussion provoking questions such as:

  1. Do times of crisis call for different, perhaps even special, leadership qualities?
  2. What explains this unprecedented interest in DEIB, and how far can organizations (and leaders) push the envelope?
  3. To what degree should organizations push individuals to "feel" in certain ways at work?
  4. In the new world of hybrid work, what are some lessons from science to help organizations better design management practices, culture, and employee value proposition?
  5. How does artificial intelligence and technology increase the need for soft and humane leadership skills?

A poll was done as part of the session wrap-up on the importance of the trends discussed. Among those who responded, Leadership and Hybrid Work stood out as most important to participants and their workplaces.











One of the goals of the Work Smart Series is to provide not only relevant, robust content but also opportunities for participants to connect and interact in meaningful ways. Participant responses to the session format were overwhelmingly positive: 93% indicated that the session provided an open and welcoming environment that supported their learning, and 89% found that the session format was effective. More than 82% found that the session was useful and had the right mix of content and connection.

As noted by one participant: “I enjoyed getting to interact with other I-O professionals on specific topic areas. I'd love to have more opportunities like this in the future. The virtual experience was done well.”

Special thanks to Chamorro-Premuzic for contributing his time and energy to facilitating this session and to series Founding Sponsor Jeffrey Quinn from Leadership Insights and Development, LLC. Mark your calendar for February 17 for the second installment of the Work Smart Series!

For more information about sponsoring this new SIOP series, please contact Susan Rogers at srogers@siop.org. If you have questions or ideas for the Work Smart Series Team, please email WorkSmart@siop.org.

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