Featured Articles
Amber Stark

Planning Continues for New Affiliate Membership Category

In June, SIOP members voted to pass a bylaws amendment, which allows for the creation of an Affiliate membership category. This category is open to applicants with an interest in the purpose of SIOP. Affiliates may not vote, serve on a committee, or hold office in SIOP, but will be entitled to a subset of benefits.

Since then, the Membership Committee and the SIOP Administrative Office have been putting things in place for an official launch in early fall. Planning has included the finalizing of guiding principles and benefits, work on the application process, and plans for onboarding and engagement. Next steps include creating a webpage and marketing, which will kick off in mid-September.

Affiliate benefits include a discount on SIOP Annual Conference and Leading Edge Consortium registration rates, a discount on select SIOP Series books through the publisher, and access to the IOP Journal, TIP, and SIOP Source.

More information will be shared in September. In the meantime, start thinking about your colleagues in related industries (human resources, consulting, education, and technology, for example) who might benefit from SIOP’s vision, Science and practice transforming work that builds effective organizations and promotes worker well-being.

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