Jenny Baker / Tuesday, June 20, 2023 / Categories: 611 Editor’s Column: Looking Back and Looking Ahead Adriane M. F. Sanders Happy Summer! I hope everyone had a SIOP Annual Conference full of excitement, learning, and connecting; I certainly did. I'd like to recognize the evolution of the SIOP conference fashion! This is not something I typically spend much time thinking about, but I was so pleasantly surprised with what I saw at the conference this year. There were jewel tone pant suits, suits and slacks with sneakers (and not in the mall walker kind of way), and all manner of professional attire with Doc Martens. Attendees new and well-seasoned were breaking the mold of the stuffy business attire from conferences past and looking just a little more comfortable but no less professional. And why not? Why not feel a little more comfortable to sit and stand all day long so we can focus on the fun, nerdy knowledge and networking parts of the conference? I hope to see more of this trend next April! Next, I want to draw your attention to a great resource listed in our IOtas this issue: SIOP Member Jennifer Hughes and colleagues have published updated guidance on using inclusive language in demographic survey questions. This issue also includes a few conference recaps—important updates from SIOP committees: the highly anticipated suggestions regarding a certification model for I-Os from our LCC Committee as well as a report on the UN Committee’s recent endeavors to facilitate workplace cultural change (via #NewWork initiative); the latest membership report; and a thoughtful piece on the role of I-Os in leading the future of sustainability. And speaking of the future, I want to talk about the next three issues of TIP. These will be the last issues with me as editor (I can’t believe it!). For these remaining issues, we are shaking things up a bit and organizing themed issues. Here is some additional context to get you thinking about how you can play along! Fall issue: From Hugo to AI: Memorable Moments in SIOP and TIP History Author submissions due August 1 What it is: We want to reflect on the SIOP organization and the field more broadly: where we started, where are we now, and how we got here. We also want to add a human touch to these stories. What I-O research changed YOUR career and why? We’d love articles (and pictures!) about early annual conferences, pivotal moments in SIOP, major developments or insights in I-O, historical findings/ideologies that were firmly held beliefs—until they weren’t—and so on. OR send us a TIP article that was impactful to you in some way. Was it the first time you read something and felt like you were part of this big I-O community? Maybe an article you kept coming back to or sharing with peers? Maybe an article that made you laugh, think, yell, or all of the above? We want folks to dust off favorite pieces from past issues of TIP and send them to us with a brief explanation as to why it is a favorite. What to do: Email me with subject line: From Hugo to AI Submit a completed article and any supplemental digital media. Or, If you have an article idea and want feedback, email me an abstract, and we’ll go from there. For favorite past TIP articles: Send a hyperlink or PDF of the article. Search the TIP archives here. Include a brief explanation about why the article is meaningful to you. Winter issue: I-O in the Classroom: Sharing Our Science via Pedagogy Author submissions due November 1 What it is: This is an issue dedicated to all things education and training in I-O. We’d love articles involving best practices in teaching I-O at the undergraduate and graduate level, exemplar and novel curricular activities, applied/experiential curricular or extracurricular activities, scholarship of teaching, what you love about teaching I-O, conducting I-O research labs, and anything in between. We would also love articles authored by or coauthored with I-O students from any level (groups of student authors are also encouraged!). Such articles could align with any of the topic suggestions above or could spotlight student experiences and perceptions, such as where are I-O graduate programs missing the mark for students (or what do you want/need more of), what would you tell your undergraduate self about choosing I-O psychology, what does the thesis/dissertation/internship/job market feel like right now, how do you stay sane as a graduate student in 2023, and combating or making peace with imposter syndrome. All are ideas to get you thinking. What to do: Email me with subject line: I-O in the Classroom Submit a completed article and any supplemental materials media. Or, If you have an article idea and want feedback, email me an abstract, and we’ll go from there. Spring issue: Translating Science to Practice Author submissions due February 1 What it is: This theme grew out of an initial idea to work with the Scientific Affairs Committee (SAC) to publish some translations of prominent academic research. SAC will contribute full-length papers, but we’re soliciting additional research “translations” for this issue that loosely follow one of two streams. These could be translations of an individual article or a collection of recent articles related to a specific issue/topic. Translations written for practicing I-O psychologists These translations should be paired down and written for busy professionals with backgrounds in I-O who need to be aware and understand an important development in our science but who don’t regularly peruse academic journals on their own. Translations written for I-O/HR practitioners These translations serve as a blueprint for practitioners to introduce (or reiterate) state of the science with organizational leaders who don’t have a background in I-O. The summary portion of research article(s) would be short (though we’d want to point readers to full-length articles/resources on the subject), and the focus would be on how to talk about the issue with non-I-Os. Essentially, what the problem the research helps solve, why leaders should care about it, and suggestions for how you might use this research to drive change, innovation, improvements, and so on (initial action steps). What to do: Email me a completed article with subject line: Translating Science to Practice All submissions or questions should be emailed to with the subject line of the TIP issue of interest. Articles should be no longer than 3,000 words. If one of these themes gives you an idea, I hope you’ll run with it, regardless of whether you’ve ever contributed to TIP before! Print 618 Rate this article: No rating Comments are only visible to subscribers.