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Jenny Baker
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Members in the Media

Amber Stark, Marketing and Communications Manager

Awareness of I-O psychology has been on the rise thanks to articles written by and/or featuring our SIOP members. These are member media mentions found from March 11, 2023, through June 4, 2023. We share them on our social media and in this column, which you can use to find potential collaborators, spark ideas for research, and keep up with your fellow I-O colleagues.

We scan the media on a regular basis but sometimes articles fall through our net. If we’ve missed your or a colleague’s media mention, please email them to astark@siop.org.


Artificial Intelligence

Eric Dunleavy on AI issues in human resources: https://www.hrdive.com/news/AI-challenges-hitting-HR-EEOC/644485/

Katerina Bezrukova on the future of AI: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/team-spirit/202303/forcing-versus-choosing-the-future-of-ai

Matthew Neale on the benefits and perils of generative AI: https://recruitingdaily.com/how-hiring-managers-can-avoid-dangerous-misuses-of-generative-ai/


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Astrid C. Homan on overcoming the inclusion façade: https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/overcoming-the-inclusion-facade/

Stephanie Murphy on prioritizing DEI: https://hr-gazette.com/stephanie-murphy-prioritizing-dei/

Gena Cox on the stress of workplace discrimination: https://www.healthgrades.com/pro/u-s-adults-who-felt-discrimination-at-work-faced-increased-risk-of-high-blood-pressure

Myia Williams on how hair discrimination affects black women at work: https://hbr.org/2023/05/how-hair-discrimination-affects-black-women-at-work?ab=HP-hero-latest-text-2


Future of Work

Jeff Jolton on the future of work: https://community.thriveglobal.com/jeff-jolton-on-how-we-need-to-adjust-to-the-future-of-work/

Denise Rousseau and Xinyu Hu on working from home: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/what-would-you-do-to-keep-working-from-home/ar-AA19OsHT


Employee Well-Being

Leann Kang Pereira with steps to rebuild employee morale after layoffs: https://hrdailyadvisor.blr.com/2023/03/29/3-steps-to-rebuilding-employee-morale-after-layoffs/

Tammy Allen on the impact of remote work on mental health: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3986860-employees-love-remote-work-but-is-it-good-for-our-mental-health/

Nathan Iverson on employee happiness: https://www.success.com/is-happiness-at-work-the-employers-responsibility/

Meisha-ann Martin on the effects of layoffs on mental health: https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/mental-health-toll-of-job-loss-49159397



James Beck with research into breaks at work: https://scienmag.com/employees-tend-to-avoid-taking-breaks-despite-high-levels-of-stress/

Beverly Tarulli on pay transparency: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/compensation/pages/pay-transparency-requires-leaders-commitment.aspx

Clair Reynolds Kueny with strategies to combat opioid-use disorder: https://www.phelpscountyfocus.com/school/article_5f1b1fbc-e098-11ed-984c-1bea66c48ee5.html

Samantha Paustian-Underdahl on how organizations can boost retainment of pregnant women and new mothers: https://www.wiareport.com/2023/04/how-organizations-can-boost-retainment-of-pregnant-women-and-new-mothers/

Danielle King on the problem with valuing resilience as a skill in the workplace: https://qz.com/the-problem-with-valuing-resilience-as-a-skill-in-the-w-1850378695

Gena Cox on how to answer “Why Should We Hire You?”: https://wtop.com/news/2023/05/how-to-answer-why-should-we-hire-you/

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