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Jenny Baker
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Members in the Media

Amber Stark, Marketing and Communications Manager

Awareness of I-O psychology has been on the rise thanks to articles written by and/or featuring our SIOP members. These are member media mentions found from June 4, 2023, through Sept. 3, 2023. We share them on our social media and in this column, which you can use to find potential collaborators, spark ideas for research, and keep up with your fellow I-O colleagues.

We scan the media on a regular basis but sometimes articles fall through our net. If we’ve missed your or a colleague’s media mentions, please email them to astark@siop.org.

Future of Work

Veronica Schmidt Harvey and Kenneth P. De Meuse on rethinking the future of work: https://blog.oup.com/2023/06/rethinking-the-future-of-work-an-interview-with-veronica-schmidt-harvey-and-kenneth-p-de-meuse/

John Kello on adjusting to the future of work: https://community.thriveglobal.com/paulette-ashlin-dr-john-kello-on-how-we-need-to-adjust-to-the-future-of-work/

Timothy Golden and Cathleen Swody on the future of remote, hybrid work: https://www.northcarolinadaily.com/news/273914607/can-employers-force-teleworking-americans-back-to-the-office

Health and Well-Being

Cathleen Swody on return-to-work anxiety: https://www.worklife.news/culture/rto-return-to-office-anxiety/

Christiane Spitzmueller on work stress and how it can take a toll on you and your kids: https://www.fatherly.com/life/your-work-stress-could-be-affecting-your-kids-health

Marcus Credé on why some military veterans may be more at risk of PTSD symptoms: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-06-military-veterans-at-risk-ptsd-symptoms.html

Nancy Doyle on toxic femininity at work: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-movie-barbie-has-put-the-phrase-toxic-femininity-back-in-the-news-here-s-what-it-means-and-why-you-should-care/ar-AA1eXeGp?ocid=Peregrine

Mindy Shoss on AI anxiety and identity: https://www.shareandstocks.com/ai-can-threaten-your-personal-identity-but-it-doesnt-have-to/

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Lisa Steelman on inclusivity at NASA: https://wdctv.news/more-than-a-tagline-its-a-push-for-equity/

Colin Willis on changes in hiring processes for candidates with autism or other conditions: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/behavioral-competencies/global-and-cultural-effectiveness/pages/creating-the-ideal-interview-setting-for-neurodivergent-candidates.aspx


Bradley Brummel on navigating Slack: https://vigourtimes.com/the-top-3-slack-habits-that-cause-the-most-stress-to-co-workers/

Suzanne Bell on the challenges of the one-year Mars-like simulation: https://abc13.com/nasa-chapea-mars-simulation-at-johnson-space-center-travel/13426531/

Gena Cox on how to answer, "Why should we hire you?": https://money.usnews.com/careers/interviewing/articles/how-to-answer-why-should-we-hire-you

Ronald Riggio with three practices to become a better leader: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/theyre-driving-me-nuts/202308/3-practices-to-becoming-a-better-leader

Deniz Ones on unexpected connections between our cognition and our personality traits: https://player.fm/series/mornings-with-simi/the-link-between-personality-and-brain-power

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