Featured Articles
Amber Stark

December IOP Issue Available

The December issue of SIOP's premier journal, Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, is now available.

In Volume 16 number 4, you will find two focal articles: 

  • Industrial-Organizational Psychologists and Volunteer Work by Nancy Tippins, Milton Hakel, Karen Grabow, Elizabeth Kolmstetter, Joel Moses, David Oliver, and Peter Scontrino
  • Moving Boundaries on What I-O Has Been, and What I-O Can Be: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as an Organizing Framework by Morrie Mullins and Julie Olson-Buchanan

Also included are a number of thought-provoking and insightful commentaries for each article. A Practice Forum article, Employee Response to Employer-Sponsored Direct Primary Care by Stephen Gage and Amy Cooper Hakim, rounds out the volume.

Go to the IOP Journal webpage, log in, and click to access content from the Cambridge website. Click "Latest Issue" for the articles and commentaries in order. On the journal homepage you can also access First View versions of articles in process as well as past volumes.

We hope you enjoy this new issue!

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