Featured Articles

SIOP Members in the News

Clif Boutelle

Meredith Turner 0 1958 Article rating: No rating

Generally when we think of the media, it is the major newspapers, magazines and network radio and television that come to mind. While they still remain important to any organization seeking to generate awareness about itself, the Internet has created an entirely new vista of media outlets that should not be overlooked. In fact, more and more organizations are utilizing online sites to tell their news.

Membership Milestones

Jayne Tegge, Stephany Below, and Clif Boutelle

Meredith Turner 0 3086 Article rating: No rating

Members are the heart and soul of SIOP and are greatly appreciated for their interest and contributions. Many members—nearly 800—have been with the Society for 25 years or more. To recognize the contributions and loyalty of these dedicated members, SIOP has developed a new initiative called the Sterling Circle. Sterling Circle members will be honored in several ways and can be identified at SIOP events with a special ribbon on their badges. Learn more about the Sterling Circle here!

SIOP@APS 2017: Updates on the Boston Program

Silvia Bonaccio, Margaret Beier, Harrison J. Kell, and Christopher Wiese

Meredith Turner 0 1962 Article rating: No rating

If you love psychological science and if you love Boston, you won’t want to miss the upcoming Association for Psychological Science’s (APS) Annual Convention. The 2017 APS Annual Convention will be held May 25-28 at the Sheraton Boston Hotel. 


Although the symposium deadline has passed, there is still time to submit your poster by January 31, 2017 (http://www.psychologicalscience.org/conventions/annual/call-for-submissions). Poster acceptances are communicated on a rolling basis. The sooner you submit your work, the sooner you’ll know if it is accepted for presentation!



Information on this website, including articles, white papers, and other resources, is provided by SIOP staff and members. We do not include third-party content on our website or in our publications, except in rare exceptions such as paid partnerships.