SIOP Work Smart Session Helps Elevate Your Workplace Communication Amber Stark / Tuesday, July 26, 2022 0 792 Article rating: No rating Read more
Tripled Levels of Poor Mental Health: But There Is Plenty Managers Can Do Caroline Knight, Sharon K. Parker, and Anita C. Keller Anonym / Thursday, June 4, 2020 0 9923 Article rating: 5.0 Never before have so many people been forced to work from home so rapidly. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, how, where, and when work is done has changed massively in the space of weeks, often with little planning. It is not hard to imagine some of the challenges workers have faced: new routines need to be established; some people have been home schooling their children during the working day; and partners need to negotiate home working space. Further, some workers are worried they will lose their job and become part of the large and growing numbers of unemployed.1 It is therefore imperative to understand the mental health of people working from home and how to design such work to be healthy. Even beyond the current situation, it is crucial to understand how to design remote work to protect and enhance worker well-being. Many companies are now jumping on the “flexible work bandwagon” because they have realized such practices can be effective. To ensure such flexible working is sustainable into the future, it is important to ensure they are designed to be psychologically healthy. Read more
Caught in the Middle: 10 Tips for Managers Leading From Home Tammy D. Allen, University of South Florida and Mark L. Poteet, Organizational Research & Solutions Barbara Ruland / Tuesday, May 5, 2020 0 14300 Article rating: 5.0 Since millions of workers have shifted to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, managers are currently faced with full time remote work themselves as well as the task of supervising remote employees who may never have worked remotely before. Managers can be “caught in the middle” – working to meet the expectations of their bosses while managing the performance and concerns of their teams. The two of us have conducted research on remote work (Tammy) and coached leaders during the pandemic (Mark). Below we offer tips for managers who are leading from home. Read more
Seven tips to help your business survive the COVID-19 crisis Neil Morelli and Susan Chu Barbara Ruland / Friday, April 17, 2020 0 7054 Article rating: 3.0 “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity,” Sun Tzu, Art of War. For some of us, the world may seem like it’s spinning out of control and we’re spinning out of control with it. Many of us have never experienced a world changing event like the global COVID-19 pandemic, and hopefully, this will be a once in a lifetime moment. As entrepreneurs, we’re used to risk. We took risks to take an idea, craft and mold that idea, and build something that we think would be valuable to society. Our businesses grew out of creativity, passion, and drive. At our most optimistic moments, we believe that the same creativity, innovation, and drive will help us get through this crisis, while displaying our values and character along the way. Read more
Teaming in the Age of COVID-19 Dianne Nilsen, PhD, and Gordon Curphy, PhD Curphy Leadership Solutions Anonym / Wednesday, March 25, 2020 0 12644 Article rating: 4.3 Read more