Featured Articles

Work-Family Balance Struggles in the Time of COVID-19

Kristen Shockley and Malissa Clark, University of Georgia

Barbara Ruland 0 11132 Article rating: 4.3

And you thought you had work-family struggles before?? Now you are working from home, serving as a homeschool teacher, dealing with loads of anxiety about the new unknown, all while trying not to touch your face! 

If you feel like you are burning the candle at both ends, you are not alone. We are certainly in unprecedented times and have no research that speaks to work–family struggles during a pandemic (shocking, right?), but our aim here is to provide you with a few evidence-based suggestions for maintaining your sanity  from the work–family and remote work research literature.

A Fresh Look at Resilience: Outcomes, Inputs, and Processes

Linda L. Hoopes, Ph.D. President, Resilience Alliance

Anonym 0 7275 Article rating: 5.0

Learn more about the author at  http://resiliencealliance.com/linda-hoopes-phd/

I am writing this article early in the US response to the coronavirus epidemic. Please consider how the ideas below apply to individuals, groups, organizations, and nations as we find our way through this crisis, and also about how we can build more resilience into our systems in the future.

Although I am passionate about helping people thrive in turbulence, I must confess that I sometimes get tired of hearing the word “resilience.” Just about every conversation that takes place about change, stress, crisis, or well-being includes the term, but its definitions vary widely. Here are a few examples:



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