Featured Articles

Seven Things to Build Agility and Resilience

Elaine Pulakos & Tracy Kantrowitz

Barbara Ruland 0 7162 Article rating: 4.0

The disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented global uncertainty for individuals and organizations that demands agility and resilience. Even before the pandemic, companies were working to build these characteristics in order to remain competitive amidst a flurry of unpredictable change. But now, the need for

Seven tips to help your business survive the COVID-19 crisis

Neil Morelli and Susan Chu

Barbara Ruland 0 6528 Article rating: 3.0

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity,” Sun Tzu, Art of War.

For some of us, the world may seem like it’s spinning out of control and we’re spinning out of control with it. Many of us have never experienced a world changing event like the global COVID-19 pandemic, and hopefully, this will be a once in a lifetime moment. 

As entrepreneurs, we’re used to risk. We took risks to take an idea, craft and mold that idea, and build something that we think would be valuable to society. Our businesses grew out of creativity, passion, and drive. At our most optimistic moments, we believe that the same creativity, innovation, and drive will help us get through this crisis, while displaying our values and character along the way.



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