Featured Articles

Katzell Award Deadline Extended to July 31

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The deadline has been extended for the 2021 Raymond A. Katzell Award in I-O Psychology, which is designed to recognize a SIOP member who, in a major way, has shown to the general public the importance of work done by I-O psychology for addressing social issues.

Nominations and applications for this award will now be accepted until midnight ET July 31.

SIOP and SIOP Foundation call for Anti-Racism Grant Project Proposals

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SIOP and the SIOP Foundation have announced the criteria for their new Anti-Racism Grant. Created to deepen our understanding of racism at work, the grant is a step toward meeting needs for social justice in the workplace.

The Foundation is also collecting contributions for the fund and will continue to do so indefinitely. Contributions can be made on the Foundation webpage; select “FDN Anti-Racism Grant.”

“Racism in the workplace has become a flashpoint,” said Foundation President Milt Hakel. “Research won’t end racism. But racism won’t end without research. I-Os need to seize the opportunity to direct our talents toward promoting equal employment opportunity as a path for addressing systemic racism.”

SIOP Foundation Funding Dollars Available!

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The SIOP Foundation is accepting nominations for a variety of 2021 awards, grants, and scholarships until midnight ET on June 30.

Need help deciding which award, grant, or scholarship may apply to you? We invite you to navigate through an interactive poster found here.

Some research grants have specific areas of interest, whereas others are open to any research project. The grant amounts vary from $3,000 up to $10,000, so please visit the grants page today and see which one is best for you.

$100,000 for Your Project

Letters of Intent Due July 1, 2019

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What would you do if you had $100,000 to shape the future of work?  

SIOP and the SIOP Foundation have launched a new $100,000 grant to support I-O research and practice addressing visionary opportunities in the world of work.

Nearly 100 people have become Visionary Circle donors in support of this exciting new venture. These Visionary Circle Donors, each of whom has donated at least $1,000, will ultimately select the winning proposal.  This year is the first cycle of what we expect to be an annual grant competition.

2020 Dunnette Prize Open for Nominations

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SIOP Seeks Nominations for the $50,000 Dunnette Prize for Work on Individual Differences 

The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Division 14 of the APA and an organizational affiliate of APS, and the SIOP Foundation are currently seeking nominations for the Dunnette Prize, honoring Professor Marvin D. Dunnette. It carries a cash award of $50,000.



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